Living the lifestyle you deserve, is sought after by many but
achieved by very few. With some practical tips and
daily implementation, you can have a better life, more
money, a loving relationship, a healthier body and more energy.

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[audio:ULS 001 How To Achieve Ultimate Lifestyle Success Introduction.mp3]

Download The MP3 [ 19:51 Minutes – 18.3 MB ] (Just click to play on your iPad)

In this article of Ultimate Lifestyle Success we discuss…

Some practical steps for achieving Lifestyle Success, and ways to eliminate

the roadblocks that are dis-empowering you from living life on your terms!


Living the lifestyle you deserve… is sought after by many but

achieved by very few. With some practical tips and daily implementation,

you can have a better life, more money, a loving relationship,

a healthier body and more energy.

Here’s the download link for the recording –

Mp3 Download

Download The MP3 [ 19:51 Minutes – 18.3 MB ] (Just click to play on your iPad)

Podcast Transcript

Hi, I’m Joseph Rose and before we begin, you may be asking yourself…

Who is this passionate, excited, ranting- raving, lunatic Joseph Rose

jumping out at you through your car speakers, iPod, iMac, PC or whatever way

you chose to read this article or listen to this podcast  today, promising you…

Ultimate Lifestyle Success, and why should you listen to me?

So let me start, by sharing with you a little bit about myself and the desire that drove me ultimately, to  the privilege of being with you here today.

I was Born into a large busy family of six (or small, depending on your cultural background) and soon discovered…

Humble Beginnings

I not only had a strong connection and love for music but I was good at it.

It wasn’t long before I was drafted into the school choir and was soon to be the five year old with Barbra Streisand’s range. Within a short while I found myself in cities across north America performing as lead soloist. I can still remember how I looked forward to all those rehearsals, just being surrounded by other voices, the harmony, the orchestra, the excitement and suspense of hearing the arrangement to a new song we would be performing.

I loved singing, I loved music and, equally feared getting up there in front of all those people. I was so nervous that everything should go perfect, every note should come out just right, and of course there was always the fear of hitting those high notes flawlessly, it had to be sung, it was not enough just to reach or hit the note,  and… I was incredibly shy!

It was intense, I was intense, music meant everything to me. If I was ever to find myself alone in a room I would just belt it out, I just had to check out the acoustics and how it carries the voice. I knew the sound of the acoustics in every room in my school from classrooms to hallways and where I loved singing most.

As the years past and my love for music grew, I can remember being asked to put together, arrange the songs for and conduct my school choir in Los Angeles, California and… At the age of 13, I was so proud to pull it off with flying colors.

Now, unlike the conventional route in the music industry, where you put out an album and then get concert dates to promote it, at the age of 15 I was singing live in countries around the world through word of mouth and just enjoying the music, until that day…

I started getting asked… “Hey, do you have any albums out, something I can pick up somewhere”?

I think it was about the same time that subconsciously I was not just asking myself the same question but, I actually saw that album in front of me as if it already existed, there were only the mere logistics of making it a reality. I think, I have always been this way since I was young, as soon as I visualized something in my head, it was only a matter of time before I found a way to make it happen.

Nothing… Is “Impossible”

The word “impossible”  was never in my dictionary, there was always away, it was just a question of… How bad do you want it? I truly believe if the will is strong enough and the passion behind the reasoning and purpose of your desired outcome is there… Nothing can stop you from achieving or attaining it.

That being said, The new project HAD BEGUN! Who would produce it, how would it end up on store shelves… Didn’t care. I just had faith that everything would fall into place.

And so… From starting to collect the songs that would make the final cut to being on the album to designing the artwork for the cover… Eight months later.. I was jumping on stage promoting my very first album and signing autographs. I can still feel that proud sense of accomplishment now! 14 albums later as if it were yesterday. I had produced my own album at barely the legal drinking age in America!

Ok… It didn’t sell kazillions of copies but,  I would never in a million years trade those intense emotions of excitement, anticipation, and gratifying experience for the world…Plus in essence it was my greatest success cause it opened doors for me everywhere which led my next album to be produced and distributed by some of the largest names out there in the industry.

Although long ago, I remember during the sometimes daily commute between Miami and New York, being in the studio, mixing my next album to be released, the new label-to- be jokingly asked me ” how much would you pay for me to get the first album off the shelves” ? On one hand he was right the production of the two were like night and day… I was now in the big leagues but, on the other hand I smiled inside cause I knew, if not for that first album… We wouldn’t all be standing here in the same room together.

So there was a new sense of accomplishment with the second album but different, it was a different kind of new… This was not the “fresh new” of releasing your first album but, a new to  -welcome to the world of music… You made it.

Let me tell you, I worked damn hard at this, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth and I took lots of risks along the way financially, emotionally and time.

It was my true love and I not only embraced it , it was my oxygen, music was…. My LIFE!

But with that came the greatest fortune of all, I got to connect with people. I would soon learn that with   music came  huge responsibility…  Peoples hearts.

The way it influenced no two human beings alike and impacted the choices they would later make that could possibly have a positive affect not just on their life but those they influence as well.

The Power of Influence

I have been truly blessed with a great gift and pathway to touch others and I wanted to take advantage of that in any way possible. Knowing that I was constantly out there in the public eye, meeting the most wonderful people and  getting to learn and grow through listening to their stories and experiences, I wanted a way to give back and contribute through the channels of opportunity I’ve been given and soon found myself studying anything I can on human behavior.

Body expressions, gestures, emotions, patterns, the complex mind… And although I never went ahead to a get an actual degree in psychology, I’ve studied and gone through many books from Freud to Frankl… Anything contributing to why people do the things they do.

I wanted to do more, I wanted to reach people outside of the music circle yet still having the advantage the musical status provided and I asked myself, where, where is that place of influence that would have the strongest positive AND lasting impact.

I think when you ask a quality question you’re brain will start coming up with quality answers, and I’m so glad I did. The answer was simple… The teens!

A teenager is at a fragile turning point in their life when aside from the peer pressure and influences around them they are subconsciously  at a crossroad going from the influence of their upbringing and past surroundings to  the choices they now make which will ultimately determine who they become. There was my map. I had to be pro active and…

With the help of many generous others we went on to setting up a system allowing us to interact with and bring together teens from many high schools throughout the Miami area, and set up a home for them, through music and the many outreach programs we offered we were extremely successful in showing them a world outside of drugs, alcohol and the many challenges teens are presented with, in our modern world, society and culture. And before I knew it, I dove head first into a  second full time job of social work.

So why am I telling you all this? I could probably fill a  book the size of your local yellow pages with the most fascinating stories and incredible heart warming and touching experiences along the way throughout the course of my musical journey and interactions with people, and perhaps with time and opportunity I will try and ad more to the time-line of my bio in the About me section on the Ultimate Lifestyle Success website,

but for now I wanted to give you a slight introduction to some of my past not to impress you but to impress upon you and hopefully have the opportunity to impact your life through some of my experiences with all the possibilities that lay before you.

So it was through my love for music that I discovered my second passion, my love for connecting with people and that’s why I’m here with you today, hoping to inspire you through my experiences with an opportunity to teach and empower you, and present you with the tools you need to go out there and find your voice and true gift that will bring you sincere happiness ultimately leading to the fulfilling lifestyle you deserve

I’d like to give this article the title…

How to achieve Ultimate Lifestyle Success Starting Now!


And I added the word “introduction” because there is so much that we can talk about when it comes to achieving Ultimate Lifestyle Success but, I don’t want to overwhelm you in this initial article and our time together.

So for now if you’ll allow me, what I’d like to do is go over some of the exciting content we have to look forward to in this article, some video presentations I will be doing for you, and some written content on our blog you’ll be able to print out and benefit from as well.

And then leave you with some practical steps for you to implement TODAY, so you can immediately get started to living the fulfilling life you deserve.

And of course at the end of the article, I’ve included a special Bonus for all of you listening or reading today.

So if you’re still with me,

I applaud you, cause you’re one that obviously made the decision to take action and explore the opportunity for a better life!

Then let me tell you…

This Podcast show and website Ultimate Lifestyle is for you…

The creative you, The bold you, and the achiever in you!

Let’s dive into it…

Let me ask you,

Can you remember a -time -place -moment, when you truly shined, I mean, you were outstanding –amazing, You did something, or said something, you couldn’t believe it was you?

How did you accomplish that?

How did it feel?

Do you remember saying, oh my G-D, I can’t believe I just did that!

or… hmmm, “yup, that was me!”

How would you like to achieve those results every time?

Do you think it’s possible?… You bet it is!

Because no matter where you’re at in life right now –I’m here to tell you,

You have within you;

•      Something special

•      Something unique

•      Something to contribute

•      A way to make a difference

•      A strong desire-for more

•      The power to change -in a heartbeat

•      A way to impact your life and those around you

Let’s talk about,

Ultimate Lifestyle Success and you…

This Podcast show and website we have put together for you will give you the many tools you need to realize, attain and achieve the results for Ultimate Lifestyle Success -time and time again.

I feel grateful for the opportunity to share with you many endearing – sometimes even challenging moments throughout my career that have shaped my life, inspiring me to give back or pay it forward if you will, so you can benefit and impact all areas contributing to your Lifestyle Success.

The Best way to benefit and achieve results

I would like to take the opportunity in one of these earlier articles to sort of lay down the foundation with all you can expect to gain, on a consistent basis via anecdotes, stories and personal experiences within the many articles, audio podcasts and video recordings that I will be presenting throughout the course of time.

Just so you know, All my blog content and these shows I record for you are completely free and available 24/7.

I have invested many a day in putting this together in a way you will be able to benefit most, Including throughout the website,  articles on Lifestyle Success that you can;

•      Read

•      Listen to through audio

•      Watch on video

With ease of access for retention and sharing with others, you will find throughout quick icons or buttons enabling you to;

1.    Print the articles

2.    Share with a friend or forward to yourself with a click of a mouse

3.    Download and listen to these audio podcasts on your mp3 player, and even watch video presentations at your convenience.

Now that we’ve gotten through the introduction let me just start by saying…

Welcome, I am excited and extremely passionate about the journey we are about to embark upon where I will take you by the hand and show you how with some guidance and the right tools you will literally transform your life as you now know it,

to walking-the-walk and living with Ultimate Lifestyle Success!

True-Lifestyle Success-I mean in every aspect;

1.   The way you feel about yourself

2.   The way you treat others

3.   The relationships in your life at the present moment or those you will attract

4.   Having energy through the roof

5.   The body you deserve

6.   Obtaining the ultimate job or career

7.   Achieving financial Success

8.   Creating self-confidence

9.   Believing in yourself

10. Fulfilling those dreams that may be a lot closer in reach than you’ve allowed yourself to believe.

11. How a little spirituality, no matter what religion or belief can attract happiness in an avalanche of abundance to every area of your life and those around you

This will be presented to you all in a way that will be fun, enjoyable and memorable through an incredible learning experience that will give you results beyond your imagination. That- is, the way your imagination is now programmed.

You will soon broaden your horizon and lose the limiting beliefs about who you are and what is really possible, revealing at last the incredible person hidden inside you all along.

So let’s get started

I believe in never leaving the sight of a goal, decision or desired outcome without at least taking a couple steps towards bringing it closer to making it real.

Let’s take that road to achieving Ultimate Lifestyle Success

I know this article is just an introduction to your Lifestyle Success and a glimpse of what we have yet to achieve together, so for today, I’ve just given you a few things to complete and get you started before we move on.

If you want to gain momentum -grab the bull by the horns -move on to the next step and I know you do or you wouldn’t have come with me this far, please complete these few steps and I promise you… I will be there along the way to celebrate your results.

Here are, some practical steps to achieving Ultimate Lifestyle Success

I want you to;

•      Get a 3 ring binder with lined paper and title it “My ultimate lifestyle success” (you will use it to gather the materials I give you and have for later reference) or you can just start a folder on your desktop if you prefer…


•      Print out this article and put it near your computer or in the binder.

Your exercise for today;

1.   Write down two limiting beliefs that have held you back in the past from achieving an outcome you really desire.

E.g. I’m not educated, I’m too short, I’m too shy, I’m not good enough… Whatever excuses or stories you’ve been telling yourself

2.   Write down at least one if not two times that you remember when you were unstoppable. You kicked butt, dominated the room. You were at your peak. You were totally the best you can be and what’s more, –People noticed!

3.   Write down five emotions you felt at that time.

4.   Take just a moment, close your eyes, go back to that time and feel what you were feeling, make the same facial expressions, the same body gestures and say to yourself what you were saying at that given time.

5.   Without hesitating, write down 2 things you can do to possibly counter your limiting belief(s) if you wanted to… or tried hard enough and felt totally unstoppable.

That’s it for today.

Do this exercise now, don’t put it off. It’ll take you five minutes to implement and lead you directly towards Ultimate Lifestyle Success.

Final actions for today;

In the comments below please;

1.   Share with me one limiting belief that has held you back in the past from achieving an outcome you really desire.

2.   Tell me how you felt after completing this exercise

I personally read through all the comments, feel free to write about any subject you would like me to include in future articles or comments you may have about this one.

And lastly… Do something special…

Pay it forward, please share this article with two friends, you never know who you can impact at just the right time.

In the icons below you can click the “Tweet” or “Fshare” button to share through Twitter or Facebook or just hover your mouse over the “Share this” button and you can Email it or send to a friend any other way you wish.

Then of course you can click the print button and save this article to your binder.

And finally… Here’s the BONUS I promised…

In iTunes you can subscribe to the show, and receive future podcasts to your iTunes library or click Subscribe to Podcast to receive all future episodes.

and as soon as you do that…

Be the first to receive tips and content not available in the show,

By visiting to download our new free report  titled…

“The Ultimate Lifestyle  Blueprint”

I want to thank you for spending this time with me here today and, I hope you use the tips in this article to begin your journey in living the fulfilling life you deserve and achieving Ultimate Lifestyle success!

I look forward to talking to again you in the next post, where we’ll be

finding your true gift” to start living life on your terms!

Joseph Rose,

Your coach to Achieving Lifestyle Success

Here’s the download link for the recording –

Mp3 Download

Download The MP3 [ 19:51 Minutes – 18.3 MB ] (Just click to play on your iPad)

Joseph Rose is the founder of  Ultimate Lifestyle Success, has written for more

than eight years and earned his living from performances and coaching for over

two decades. You can follow Joseph on Twitter, Facebook and see him in action

at LifestyleSecrets.TV.

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