In Ep. 6 of POPP (The Podcast on Private Podcasts), Storyboard CEO JP Gooderham provides a deep dive on a brand new feature: Storyboard Email Notifications.

All Storyboard users can now send an automated email after releasing a new episode to inform your team that new content is available.

We've expanded this feature to allow you to customize the messaging, like providing a description to outline what a new podcast training is about to drive interest. To get started, go to and login to your admin portal. In our beta testing, we saw 20-30% higher listenership for customers when sending out the email promotion.


POPP (The Podcast on Private Podcasts) is presented by Storyboard ( and will provide an overview for anyone who wants to launch a private, internal podcast for their organization or company. In this series, we'll interview innovators and leaders who have adopted podcasting to transform their internal communications.

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