When you first start the process of creating a launch a new podcast of your own, it can be learning a foreign language. There are a lot of terms thrown around that don't mean anything to you yet and it can make it difficult to ask for help when you need it (and to understand the advice when you get it).

In this episode, I'm going some of the more common beginner podcasting terms. This isn't a comprehensive list by any means (although I explain in the episode where find one that is fairly comprehensive), but this will help you get started without feeling overwhelmed by technical jargon you don't need to know quite yet.


To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.


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Want to work together? Here's how we can do that!

One-on-one podcast launch packages Self-paced online course for launching your podcast Podcast auditing (Ideal if you're getting ready to launch and want an expert's eyes on everything first or if you've already launched and you want advice on how to improve your show.) Podcast editing (let me take care of the time-consuming post-production aspects of your show)