I know it's tempting to want to launch right into the fun parts of starting a new podcast like creating the cover art or picking out your music, but you're putting the cart before the horse at that point.⁠

Before making ANY decisions for your podcast, you need to have a solid foundation to build off of.⁠

In this episode, I explain the three key parts to a great podcast foundation that will be the guide for every decision you make about your showing; during and after your launch.⁠


To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.


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Want to work together? Here's how we can do that!

One-on-one podcast launch packages Self-paced online course for launching your podcast Podcast auditing (Ideal if you're getting ready to launch and want an expert's eyes on everything first or if you've already launched and you want advice on how to improve your show.) Podcast editing (let me take care of the time-consuming post-production aspects of your show)