Logan Marie Glitterbomb joins the show today to discuss green market agorism. We discuss using the second hand market to reduce doing business with the white market. We discuss using crypto-currency and other means to limit interaction with the banks. We talk dumpster diving. We talk about how right libertarians are spooky nerds. We talk […]

Green Market Agorism

Logan Marie Glitterbomb joins the show today to discuss green market agorism. We discuss using the second hand market to reduce doing business with the white market. We discuss using crypto-currency and other means to limit interaction with the banks. We talk dumpster diving. We talk about how right libertarians are spooky nerds. We talk free market environmentalism. We talk stealing stuff. We talk outreach and conversion of right libertarians in the Libertarian Party. We talk using political action as a soapbox for direct action and we talk some Libertarian Party stuff (someone buy Nick Sarwark a #HiddenCommie hat).

Libertarian Coalition
Libertarians Against Intellectual Property


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Bitcoin Cash: qrce3w2hnw8x899eyfelx9fa0sy0amehwgdlfq6w60
Vertcoin: VfXJStR3r9cwEEFDikDwviGhiPDXd5xSsW
Litecoin: LMBr5KgnyzpeWS6BqJSZKDdq4MKwAcfiBw
Dash: Xo6QCTgeoGrMEfZLxi3wYUaaP6oBFNMzon

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