Ford Fischer joins the show to discuss his work as an independent journalist capturing footage of events of public interest. We discuss some of the incidents he has captured such as the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally; including a man brandishing a firearm. We talk about how his footage has been used by everything from […]

Ford Fischer

Ford Fischer joins the show to discuss his work as an independent journalist capturing footage of events of public interest. We discuss some of the incidents he has captured such as the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally; including a man brandishing a firearm. We talk about how his footage has been used by everything from documentaries to court cases. We talk about how YouTube has demonetized his channel, even after Google used it for one of their videos. We additionally talk about the importance of having a non-state gathered video of events. We also discuss why children should go to school.

Libertarian Coalition
Libertarians Against Intellectual Property


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