On this episode I am joined by Jae Em Carico to talk how political action can be used by anarchists to further anarchist ends. How we can gain media attention for our cause to spread a message using politics as a soapbox. We talk ways to build a new world, ideas to start the revolution […]

Jae Em Carico

On this episode I am joined by Jae Em Carico to talk how political action can be used by anarchists to further anarchist ends. How we can gain media attention for our cause to spread a message using politics as a soapbox. We talk ways to build a new world, ideas to start the revolution by creating a world we would like to see before we abolish the state to make workers lives better now. We talk about the importance of having marginalized people in leadership roles in our movement, and how the police are terrible.

Libertarian Coalition
Libertarians Against Intellectual Property


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