In this episode, I am joined by Kevin Shaw to discuss the Libertarian Socialist Caucus. We talk political activism through the electoral system. We talk about Anarcho-“Capitalists” as potential allies of Libertarian Socialists. We talk about the long history of left-libertarians being involved in the LP. We talk about how economic systems aren’t necessarily to […]

Kevin Shaw

In this episode, I am joined by Kevin Shaw to discuss the Libertarian Socialist Caucus. We talk political activism through the electoral system. We talk about Anarcho-“Capitalists” as potential allies of Libertarian Socialists. We talk about the long history of left-libertarians being involved in the LP. We talk about how economic systems aren’t necessarily to blame for failing countries but authoritarianism. We talk about how about Tom Woods and his past involvement in white supremacist organizations. We talk about how small-town cops are just as terrible are the big city cops. We talk about Andrew Yang and a UBI.

Libertarian Coalition
Libertarians Against Intellectual Property

Take libertarianism back from the right! Join the LP


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