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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :07 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Desert Tiger Entertainment 2:16 How you can be featured by Libsyn! 7:07 PROMO 1: I’m Difficult and Demanding 8:54 Elsie and Rob Conversation 9:24 We are now an official Embedly provider! And we’d love to see you using it The new super secret bulk editing tool is now, not secret The Players got an update! LibsynPRO got some new things #vaguepodding Press release for podcasters, yay or nay? PROMO 2: Reasons I’m Broke 24:04 The new twitter updates to social media scheduling and duplicate content that you need to know Audio feedback from Pilar! 32:43 LUFS and clipping and all of those things Listening at 1.5 speed doesn’t work for everybody What’s up with the Stitcher TOS and should we care? Awesome cute headphone suggestions! You can (if you want to) advertise on Spotify! If you do let us know how it goes New functionality has been added to the Google App on Android, could this be the answer that we’ve been looking for? Why you should get your own Alexa skill Rob’s most shocking/interesting email of the week and it has everything to do with profanity Some audio feedback from Jonathan Bloom! 1:10:11 What in the world is CPM? PROMO 3: Bears on Film 1:17:57 STATS, stats, stats! Geographic and user agents! Featured Podcast Promos + Audio I’m Difficult and Demanding The Reasons I’m Broke Bears on Film Desert Tiger Entertainment Pilar from 21st Century Worklife Jonathan Bloom

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Libsyn Embedly Rob’s Embedly Example on Medium What Twitter’s new rules mean for social media scheduling Automation and the use of multiple accounts The awesome lineup from B&O Play headphones What you need to know about advertising on Spotify Google app starts rolling out podcast subscription and management Google’s built-in podcast player updated w/ a homepage, subscriptions, & app icon Elsie’s Emergency Excitement, her newsletter about everything Rob's webinar with Sunny Gault on a deep dive on Podcasts Connect! Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podcast Movement 2018 National Podcast Power Online Learning Conference HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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