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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :07 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Project Management Insight Podcast 2:20 How you can be featured by Libsyn! 5:20 PROMO 1: My Instruction Manual Podcast 6:40 Elsie and Rob Conversation 7:10 Rob’s talking about the MDrill One microphone again! When advertisers offer you advertising cart blanc services Good ways for podcasters to make links easier on our listeners in the event that their app does not support hyperlinks Voice Feedback: The Feed Alexa Skill outside of the US 22:26 Free or inexpensive methods to promote your podcast a la Elsie PROMO 2: Smirk 30:30 Auphonic says they will update the desktop apps to support –14 LUFS Asking your editor to export to –14 LUFS Give us some examples of pretty headphones! Custom domain on Libsyn vs on your own website Updated thoughts on Podsearch What’s with the Voltron? You guys, it’s Soapy! When other hosting companies approach you More numbering and Apple Podcasts stuff Rob’s worst email in the past 2 weeks Why almost no one is making a living on YouTube Edison and their Infinite Dial Report for 2018 PROMO 3: Shrink2Shrink 1:07:30 Stats, stats, stats: median and mean numbers for February 2018 Dave’s feedback about Social Media Marketing World 1:15:07 Featured Podcast Promos + Audio My Instruction Manual Smirk Shrink2Shrink Oscar from Deep Listening Project Management Insight Podcast

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Thronmax MDrill One Microphone Basic SM Marketing Practices for Podcasters Trello Board Dave Jackson: Growing your audience Elsie Escobar: Social Media Best Practices Why almost no one is making a living on Youtube Edison Research: The Infinite Dial Edison Research, The Infinite Dial Slideshare Elsie’s Emergency Excitement, her newsletter about everything Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podcast Movement 2018 National Podcast Power Online Learning Conference HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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