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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :11 Promo 1: Rock Your Retirement 1:30 Join the Voxer Group! 2:00 Dan and Jared from Podcast Movement give us a head’s up! 3:41 Promo 2: Under The Puppet 7:20 How we feature you! 7:40 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: 1995 7:51 Promo 3: 11:08 Rob & Elsie Conversation 11:49 Rob talks Fiber Rob talks why women love to date men with iPhones Holly Worton voices fun tweet from Saturday Morning Media 15:36 We announce the winners of the #PMfun17 giveaway! Elsie advocates to join the Voxer group Chris Nesi tells us how cool Voxer is to build community and gather audience feedback 23:05 Elsie thinks that automatically distributing content in all places will automatically build audience. NO. IT. DOES. NOT. WWDC iOS 11 beta and Apple’s Podcast App v 3.0 Castro and iHeart Radio get super cool updates When you need another site other than the Libsyn Podcast Page What about your listeners asking questions when they leave a review in iTunes? SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT NEW PODCAST TAGS AND PODCAST ANALYTICS 47:14 If you are an S-Town fan, there is a podcast called KunstlerCast Feedburner bites another podcaster in the arse Podcasting and JSON feeds Rob likes the title of an episode “There are no shortcuts, it takes a good show” The disdain when people wanna make money with podcasting right away Ad cutting announced for LibsynPRO How having an app for your show can really help you keep listeners A bit about Podsearch Stats, stats, stats: median and mean Featured Podcast Promos + Audio Rock Your Retirement Under The Puppet The Heart of Business for Coaching 1985 Holly Worton from The Business Mindset Podcast Chris Nesi from The House of #EdTech Podcast

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) New specs at Apple Support Castro update Breaker and JSON feeds Podsearch Rob on Podcast Fast Track chatting about Apps WWDC session: Apple Podcasts KlunstlerCast The Unconventional Woman Elsie’s Emergency Excitement, her newsletter about everything Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podcast Movement 2017 L.A. Podfest HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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