GROUP CHAT FOR EPISODE 97 ON VOXER! **IMPORTANT** In order to get in the chat, you need copy the LINK and PASTE it in your mobile browser and it will open the app. IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE: ADD ELSIE AND SHE WILL ADD YOU TO THE CHAT: search for Elsie Escobar or yogeek on Voxer!This will only be available until June 3, 2017

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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :11 Promo 1: The Art of Manufacturing 1:48 Let’s try Voxer! 2:23 Promo 2: Paranormal Now 3:59 How we feature you! 4:17 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Two Minute Talk Tips 5:00 Promo 3: Wise Traditions 10:49 Rob & Elsie Conversation 11:24 We got the coolest t-shirts! We still have our #PM17fun giveaway going on! Fun tweets from #PM17fun voice by Kris 14:18 Oh man, the horrible headlines and stories about the death of the MP3, the MP3 is finally free! Elsie has an idea, and she wants you to participate, let’s try out this Voxer thing What have we done to optimize our recording space? In case Apple comes a knockin’ and they want to feature you, here’s what you need to do to get ready Tip for those adding custom tags. Best use for Clammr and the new Auphonic Audiograms Starting in a network and keeping your branding Playing music in your podcast is like being pregnant How to bulk edit your categories What are the pros and cons of posting old episodes onto Blogger or Tumblr? Awesome feedback for Libsyn from a high-schooler! The status of the Downcast App Going over stats of a podcast that was featured on the front banner of iTunes Core stat trends that Rob sees month after month Stats stats staaats! - A Poem And…well…STATS! Featured Podcast Promos + Audio The Art of Manufacturing Paranormal Now Wise Traditions Two Minute Talk Tips Kris from No Extra Words

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Marco Arment: The MP3 isn’t dead Voxer Clammr Auphonic Audiograms Elsie’s Social Media Trello Board! Elsie’s Social Media Best Practices Workshop My Five-and-a-half Cents On The Current State of Podcasting Elsie’s Emergency Excitement Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podcast Movement 2017 L.A. Podfest HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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