Our 50th/2 year anniversary episode is coming up! Send us audio feedback! [email protected], Speakpipe or call 1-412-573-1934

Win a ticket to the Podcast Movement by leaving us an iTunes review or sending us feedback for our 50th episode! Yeay!

Quick Episode Summary: Intro :12 Promo 1: The Wise Idiots Podcast 1:45 On the Libsyn Blog! 2:14 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast! Fix It Home Improvement with Jacy and Cindy 4:47 Promo 2: Boss Free Society 9:17 How we feature YOU 9:47 Promo 3: Under The Dome 10:46 Rob and Elsie Conversation 11:19 iTunes started supporting podcasting 10 years ago! The BIG podcasting news - can anybody guess? It has to do with a garage The inside stat scoop of the Maron and President episode - you have not gotten THIS kind of detail anywhere #statastic Why a podcast was the ultimate choice Holy catz! There’s a bug in iTunes! Don’t freak out WNYC has announced a Podcast Accelerator - are you in? Oh geez, more troubles for the poor Windows Mobile 8 podcast consumer peeps. A bit more insight and very interesting hardware for podcasting all in the same room It looks like podcasting from the Apple Watch is a thing - or not. Wireless mics for doing interviews on the go via Alan Misner 46:16 Feedback - all about promos! That’s the most we’ve ever gotten Kevin Bachelder 50:23 JD Sutter 53:29 Joshua Liston 54:56 Joe Saul-Sehy 59:48 Stats on general trends in listenership App stats and common practices Best article Rob has ever seen on Medium with regards to Podcasting What company created out app? And all kinds of crazy stats on where are listeners are coming from #statastic Um - STATS TIME!!! How YOU can win a ticket to Podcast Movement! Featured Podcast Promos + Audio The Wise Idiots Podcast Boss Free Society Under The Dome Jacy and Cindy from Fix It Home Improvement Kevin Bachelder from Tuning into SciFi TV JD Sutter from JDSutter.me Joshua Liston from Braver By The Day Joe Saul-Sehy from the Stacking Benjamins

Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links

Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: That’s A Holiday Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: 21st Century Work Life

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Ten Years Ago Apple Brought Podcasting To iTunes Obama Interview Sets Down Record Download Numbers For Maron Podcast What It Was Like To Grill President Obama WTF The President Was Here Change in iTunes Show Page Display WNYC Podcast Accelerator Application to the WNYC Accelerator The Beecaster from Neat Microphones The Apple Watch Is About To Become The Perfect Podcast Machine Podcasting From An Apple Watch - with Dave Mansueto playing with a beta version of Bossjock for the Apple Watch Mikme Wireless Recording Solution Instamic: The GoPro of Microphones What We’ve Learned From Building A Podcast That Has Over 450 5 Start Reviews Elsie on Dr. Ginger Campbell’s Books & Ideas Rob and Elsie IRL (In Real Life) Where are we going? Podcast Movement Podcast Movement Workshop For Women: Empower, Evolve, Expand with Elsie Escobar and Jessica Kupferman LA Podfest Online Learning Conference HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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