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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :12 Promo 1: Dress Code Cracker 1:47 On the Libsyn Blog! 2:19 Promo 2: If You Like 4:36 How we feature YOU 5:06 Promo 3: The Acting Income Podcast 6:10 Rob and Elsie Conversation 6:39 What should we do for our 50th episode? Y’all need to let us know! Apple is making some changes to how they deal with support issues - [email protected] is DEAD. Lots of feedback for recording in one room! Nobilis's feedback. 19:09 Craig’s feedback. 13:29 Yahoo Pipes so so sad, going away in September. The story about your show slugs - and if you wanna get them back. A Spotify questions from a basement in Tulsa. 25:47 Spotify is not just about the biggies - but also about the little guy - some feedback from Jeffrey. 27:05 More on the discovery problem, which Rob loves to discuss. We get some feedback all about the format of our show - so what do you guys think? Nobilis feedback #2. 42:37 Was there something going on with stats from February to April? Very interesting medium and average analyzation via Rob. Featured Podcast Promos + Audio Dress Code Cracker If You Like The Acting Income Podcast Nobilis from The Nobilis Erotica Podcast Craig from the Ingles Podcast A Basement In Tulsa Jeffrey from Daggers of the Mind

Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links

Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Doha Heat Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: The Angry Beards

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Apple Support Direct link to Apple Support Why Podcasting Is So Broken Rob on the Shadown of Ideas Podcast Without Borders Elsie’s feature on her yoga class for the CREATE Festival in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette Here’s the First Libsyn Podcasting Quick Start Webinar!

All you lovely podcasters that have buddies or acquaintances that are looking to start a podcast share this link!

A Podcast Quickstart from Libsyn!

Tell your friends if they wanna start a podcast!

Rob and Elsie IRL (In Real Life) Where are we going? Podcast Movement Podcast Movement Workshop For Women: Empower, Evolve, Expand with Elsie Escobar and Jessica Kupferman LA Podfest Online Learning Conference MUSIC

The bagpipe music used was under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0. The music is Amazing Grace (played on medieval bagpipe; not GHB) by hellcreature


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