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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :15 Promo 1: The Tony and Josh Show 2:40 On the Libsyn Blog 3:04 Promo 2: What’s Up On Earth 5:29 How we feature YOU 30:09 Promo 3: Assembly of Geeks 8:15 Danny Pena and Gamertag Radio - how they are celebrating their 10th year anniversary! 8:47 Rob and Elsie Conversation via Ringr 10:03 We are using the Ringr app! Our soundquality is completely different than usual. Pond5 the super cool new public domain source. We got presents in the mail from podcasters! Via Dave Jackson, CBS launches podcast networks The nominations for the 10th Annual Podcast Awards Show are on! It seems that some might have experienced that has run out of free numbers (maybe not.) Auphonic vs Soundsoap a conversation. How to move an episode for your podcast to episode zero. Some podcast apps like Castro aren’t showing ratings does it matter? We continue the conversation about whether or not you should check if your RSS feed is valid every time you publish an episode - feedback via Kevin Bachelder 41:42 Does having an iPhone App affect the iTunes ranking algorithm? - feedback via Steve Stewart 45:02 So twitter bombing…it doesn’t work. Local podcast meet-up examples discussed. Stitcher is having delays. Stats time! November - December 2014 where in the world are you downloads coming from? Featured Podcast Promos + Audio The Tony and Josh Show What’s Up On Earth Assembly of Geeks Danny Pena from Gamertag Radio Kevin Bachelder from Tuning into SciFi Steve Stewart from The Money Plan SOS Podcast

Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links

Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: The Forever Fan Podcast Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: The Science Fiction Film Podcast

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Once Upon A Time Fan Podcast & Jeff Roney Rebel Force Radio Ringr App Pond5 - the free stuff link Dave Jackson wrote for Podcaster News: CBS Launches podcast networks The Podcast Awards Auphonic Desktop Soundsoap 4 Joshua Liston from a bunch of different podcasts :) Castro Bryan Orr’s article on Twitterbombing St. Louis Area podcast meet-up 2GuysTalking London Podcast Network Group Helen Saltzman’s Podcast Support Group: UK UK Podcasters Group She Podcasts Episode 32 - All About Podcast Sponsorship and Other Stories She Podcasts Episode 33 - It’s The One About How To SELL Your Podcast Rob and Elsie IRL (In Real Life) Where are we going? NRB NMX Podcast Movement Hispanize HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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