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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :13 Promo 1: Craftlit 2:48 On the Libsyn Blog 3:24 Lessons learned from podcasting and more 8:15 Promo 2: Beekeeping Podcast 29:39 How we feature YOU 30:09 Promo 3: The Tony and Josh Show 31:15 Rob and Elsie Conversation 31:45 Rob just updated to Mavericks and the latest version of Garageband and he feels like a podcast newbie Copying and pasting from MS Word can break iTunes - stop it Facebook is now allowing you to have your Facebook Page be a Podcast Page How to get a direct link to your podcast episode in iTunes DO NOT use the itcp link to have people subscribe to your podcasts Podcasting is featured on Entertainment Weekly! Thanks Kevin Bachelder Are you running a local podcast meet-up? Rob wants to hear from you Rob’s phrase “twitter bombing” is taking off! Is this the year of the podcast? Thoughts on walls being broken between apps Download stats on the WTF App - they will blow your mind Featured Podcast Promos + Audio Craftlit Beekeeping Podcast The Tony and Josh Show Patrick from The Big Seance Show Marianna from The Bilingual Avenue Podcast Randy from Leaning Toward Wisdom Pilar from 21st Century Work Life Matt from the Obsessive Viewer D. Louis from the Science Fiction Film Podcast

Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links

Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: Mat Talk Network Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: Superb Diamond Range Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: Talk Music Talk Podcaster Voices: What’s the Hardest Podcasting Related Thing You Overcame in 2014 Podcaster Voices: 19 Podcasters Share Podcasting Lessons Learned in 2014 Podcaster Voices: Podcasting Happiness in 2015 is The Feed 2014 - Episode Re-cap Libsyn 2014 Re-cap Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts for 2014

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Rob’s article on twitterbombing Listens Do Not Equal Listeners and Why Twitter Bombing is BS Podcasting featured on Entertainment Weekly! Tech Companies Look To Break Down Walls Between Apps Rob on Podcasting101 chatting about Twitter bombing Rob on the Home Office Dad Club Podcast Libsyn Live 11 - all about iTunes search, search (in general,) New & Noteworthy and stats! HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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