The latest episode speaks to one of its team members, Liam Morrison, about how to get the best possible sound from your podcast show.

Liam is Podmotion's Audio Production Editor, and is also creative partner with a number of audio and video creators in and around Toronto. 

In this interview with Kevin McCall, Podmotion Partner and Tech Lead, Liam shares actionable tips for podcasters, as well as some insight into what the post-production process can do to improve audio quality. 

Podcasting can be daunting

Liam acknowledges that getting into podcasting be daunting at first. 

"You are basically putting out content that theoretically is about has to compete with Oprah and Conan O'Brien and Gary Vee, stuff like that.

"So it's definitely daunting but the great thing is that with the technology, even if you're recording it on a USB microphone or iPhone . . .  you can actually put something up and get an audience on the same platform as someone like Oprah or Conan O'Brien."

Avoid background noise

The main things new podcasters must avoid is background noise. Liam advises newbie podcasters not to record next to their laundry machine while it's running.

"Try and get a nice quiet spot of your room or your apartment or your house. For me, usually what I do is I actually just literally put a sweater over top of my microphone so that only my voice is going towards it," explains Liam.

A microphone, even though it's facing your face, will pick up what's happening behind it - the noise reflections off of the wall, ceiling, or the floor. Every hard piece of furniture, even mirrors and glass frames, will reflect noise back. So try to record in a room with soft furnishings and, if possible, cover mirrors with a throw.

Keep your eye on the levels

Podcasters should also watch the levels when they are recording  and make necessary adjustments.

"Just be aware of where you are, how loud you're speaking, aware that you're speaking into a technology that has tools for you to monitor, so you can monitor those tools yourself if you need to, with the audio with the level with the volume. And treat your recording space as a professional studio."

A professional's touch

If mistakes occur, or someone bursts in when you're recording, there is a lot that can be done to fix and enhance audio files.

"The amount that it can be fixed is kind of impressive," explains LIam. "I use tools like equalization, compression, and dynamic limiting.

"I even often use reverb to kind of make it sound like they're in a small studio. So it's like a very subtle reverb that kind of makes them sound like they're in a vocal recording booth, even if they're just in their room or if they're in their kitchen or something. It's kind of impressive," he adds.

Liam says that one of his favourite tools is a plugin that enhances bass that gives podcasters a kind of an NPR radio voice - similar to being really close to a mic. 

And one of Liam's final tips is to use a professional podcast editor, no matter how small your show. A professional editor can make a world of difference, and also ensure that your recordings sound great on all platforms - including computer speakers, car audio systems, laptops, and smartphone.  

Contact for assistance with any aspect of podcasting. We're here to help.

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