
What Sets Podmotion Apart, Tell Us What You Need

Hi, I'm Liam Morrison, the Audio-Video Production Editor at Podmotion dot co. Welcome to episode two of the Podmotion Podcast.

If you've had time to listen to episode one, you'll know a little bit about us.

In this episode, I'll talk briefly about what sets us apart from other podcast companies or agencies. Next, I'm encouraging you to get in touch and talk about your needs and how we can serve you improve so that your client experience is the best it can possibly be.

Members of the Podmotion team have been involved in podcasting for many years. The questions we hear over and over from podcasters, or organizations and individuals wanting to get into podcasting are: Where do I begin? How do I plan out my show? Who knows a good podcast editor? and lastly How do I promote my show and get more listeners?

When answering these questions, it's important to remember that each stage of podcasting is connected to the next. It's so obvious, but many podcasters forget how dependent the next stage of podcasting is on the previous stage.

Here's what I mean: If there are issues with your show's sound quality, it's going to be challenging to get more listeners. A show without a strategy and no guest research will lead to weak interviews, and below par interviews can lead to poor content. The result will be that listeners won't care when your next episode drops. And no-one's happy with that.

This is why at podmotion we realized that joining up the technical aspects of production with research, strategy, content development, and marketing makes perfect sense.

It's a winning formula for clients. Because an agency that really understands your show objectives and produces your episodes knows what you really want. And so we're able to create truly effective strategies to promote and market your episodes.

This seamless journey removes obstacles and relieves you of the immense work and challenges that can get in the way of creating great podcast shows.

Of course, you don't have to use our full, end-to-end service. You're welcome to choose and mix the Podmotion solutions you need. And if you're unsure about what you DO need, we're always here to advise and guide.

Next, please contact the podmotion team and tell us what your challenges are, or what solutions you think we need to add to our current range of services. How can we better help you with your podcast planning or existing show? We want to hear from you with your questions and suggestions. So please do get in touch.