I am a harsh critic. And I have no poker face, so you can clearly tell, either by sight or by sound, when I'm being critical. At least I used to be that way. I’m trying to be better.

Specifically, I'm trying to be less critical more often. I’m trying to internalize that phrase and make it my default behavior, which is quite a challenge for me.

I’m very good at triage, and that’s oftentimes a problem. With practically unlimited choices of content to consume, being able to quickly discern Things Worth My Time from Things Not Worth My Time is a handy skill. But it makes me kind of a nitpicking jerk.

I'm envious of people who can just listen to a new podcast for the first time with a smile and an open mind. Me? I hit play for the first time with a wince on my face, only relaxing if I’m pleasantly surprised.

As I embrace the new concept of being less critical more often, I’m changing how I listen to podcasts. In short, I'm only listening to podcasts that I enjoy. Surprisingly, that’s left me with ample time to discover new podcasts, not less. Go figure!

I cut my teeth in both the podcasting world and the publishing world at the same time, so I’m as braced for disappointment with books as I am with podcasts.

In an effort to being less critical more often about the materials I choose to read, I’m making better choices. As with podcasting, there are just too many books to read, so I’m staying close to some known-quantities.

Podcasting areas where I excel and have been able to productize have made me quite rigid. And while that dedication to a proven process is usually seen as helpful to clients, it’s not for everyone. That's not great for business. But worse than that, it's not great for fostering creativity. Creativity for the client as well as creativity for myself. I need to grow too. 

Recognizing that, I’ve done several things. One is working with a new partner (hi, Sam!) and am backing off of my hardline approach to my own processes and procedure. If we’ve a difference of opinion, I still voice that opinion. But unless their decision is objectively wrong, I leave the final decision to them. No one is going to bleed out over this stuff.

Whatever I get, either from clients or a new podcast recommendation, I treat as a gift. Some gifts, like those given by clients, I have to find a way to work with. There’s creativity in that. Other gifts, perhaps those given by strangers who don’t know my tastes and preferences, I don’t have to love. Or even keep. I just don’t have to be an asshole about it.

Most reasonable people are their own worst critics. I’m thankful I’ve spent the last 31 years with Sheila Dee, who often intervenes when I’m beating myself up way too much over something way too trivial. I ignored self-care for the vast majority of existence, and I can only implore you to find someone - perhaps a professional - to help you stop the self-pummeling, either physical or mental. 

Here’s the crux: Podcasting is supposed to be fun. Making content, even business-focused podcast content, should be fun. And yes, even if parts of it might get a little boring. Making a podcast is a creative process. Everybody involved in this industry, at least to some degree, is providing their own creativity. We forget that at our own peril.


Read the full article and share with a friend: https://podcastpontifications.com/episode/the-benefits-to-podcasting-when-youre-less-critical-more-often

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I am a harsh critic. And I have no poker face, so you can clearly tell, either by sight or by sound, when I'm being critical. At least I used to be that way. I’m trying to be better.

Specifically, I'm trying to be less critical more often. I’m trying to internalize that phrase and make it my default behavior, which is quite a challenge for me.

I’m very good at triage, and that’s oftentimes a problem. With practically unlimited choices of content to consume, being able to quickly discern Things Worth My Time from Things Not Worth My Time is a handy skill. But it makes me kind of a nitpicking jerk.

I'm envious of people who can just listen to a new podcast for the first time with a smile and an open mind. Me? I hit play for the first time with a wince on my face, only relaxing if I’m pleasantly surprised.

As I embrace the new concept of being less critical more often, I’m changing how I listen to podcasts. In short, I'm only listening to podcasts that I enjoy. Surprisingly, that’s left me with ample time to discover new podcasts, not less. Go figure!

I cut my teeth in both the podcasting world and the publishing world at the same time, so I’m as braced for disappointment with books as I am with podcasts.

In an effort to being less critical more often about the materials I choose to read, I’m making better choices. As with podcasting, there are just too many books to read, so I’m staying close to some known-quantities.

Podcasting areas where I excel and have been able to productize have made me quite rigid. And while that dedication to a proven process is usually seen as helpful to clients, it’s not for everyone. That's not great for business. But worse than that, it's not great for fostering creativity. Creativity for the client as well as creativity for myself. I need to grow too. 

Recognizing that, I’ve done several things. One is working with a new partner (hi, Sam!) and am backing off of my hardline approach to my own processes and procedure. If we’ve a difference of opinion, I still voice that opinion. But unless their decision is objectively wrong, I leave the final decision to them. No one is going to bleed out over this stuff.

Whatever I get, either from clients or a new podcast recommendation, I treat as a gift. Some gifts, like those given by clients, I have to find a way to work with. There’s creativity in that. Other gifts, perhaps those given by strangers who don’t know my tastes and preferences, I don’t have to love. Or even keep. I just don’t have to be an asshole about it.

Most reasonable people are their own worst critics. I’m thankful I’ve spent the last 31 years with Sheila Dee, who often intervenes when I’m beating myself up way too much over something way too trivial. I ignored self-care for the vast majority of existence, and I can only implore you to find someone - perhaps a professional - to help you stop the self-pummeling, either physical or mental. 

Here’s the crux: Podcasting is supposed to be fun. Making content, even business-focused podcast content, should be fun. And yes, even if parts of it might get a little boring. Making a podcast is a creative process. Everybody involved in this industry, at least to some degree, is providing their own creativity. We forget that at our own peril.


Read the full article and share with a friend: https://podcastpontifications.com/episode/the-benefits-to-podcasting-when-youre-less-critical-more-often

Follow Evo on Twitter for more podcasting insights as they come.

Buy him a virtual coffee to show your support.

And if you need a professional in your podcasting corner, please visit Simpler.Media to see how Simpler Media Productions can help you reach your business objectives with podcasting.

Podcast Pontifications is published by Evo Terra four times a week and is designed to make podcasting better, not just easier.

Mentioned in this episode:

Support For Abortion Rights

While Americans overwhelmingly support the right of an individual to make their own decisions about abortion, unfortunately, that right is no longer protected everywhere in the U.S. The Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade on June 24th.

Abortion is a basic healthcare need for the millions of people who can become pregnant. Everyone should have the freedom to decide what’s best for themselves and their families, including when it comes to ending a pregnancy. This decision has dire consequences for individual health and safety, and could have harsh repercussions for other landmark decisions.

Restricting access to comprehensive reproductive care, including abortion, threatens the health and independence of all Americans. Even if you live in a state where abortion rights are upheld, access to safe medical procedures shouldn’t be determined by location, and it shouldn't be the privilege of a small few.

You can help by donating to local abortion funds. To find out where to donate for each state, visit donations4abortion.com.

If you or someone you know needs help, or if you want to get more involved, here are 5 resources:

1. ShoutYourAbortion.com is a campaign to normalize abortion.
2. DontBanEquality.com is a campaign for companies to take a stand against abortion restrictions.
3. Abortion.cafe has information about where to find clinics.
4. PlanCPills.org provides early at-home abortion pills that you can keep in your medicine cabinet.
5. Choice.CRD.co has a collection of these resources and more.

We encourage you to speak up! And spread the word.

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OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
Podsights - https://podsights.com/privacy

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