The novel coronavirus pandemic either has or will hit all podcasters. And the impact will be unevenly distributed, affecting some more than others. 

I want to hear your stories of how it’s impacting you and your podcasting efforts. 

I also want to help you any way that I can.

I’ll start. We here at ShEvo Studios are fine. Neither we nor our immediate families have contracted COVID19, at least not that I’ve heard. Simpler Media, the podcast consultancy I run, is also doing fine. The small distributed team members that make the sausage for our clients are all virus-free, so the machinery we’ve put in place is working. We’re even onboarding new clients this week.

But I know that's not the case for everyone. I know that a lot of people -- podcast hosts or podcast service providers -- are already struggling with the changed world.

I want to hear and to share those stories. Stories of negative, positive, or neutral impact. Whatever is happening -- or isn’t happening -- to your life as a podcaster, I’m asking you to tell me. Grab your microphone, kick out a quick stream-of-conscious update, and send it to me.

And because we’re buddies, I have an offer for you.  I want to help you, the working podcaster. I want to give you -- yes, give you -- very specific advice, suggestions, and assistance that will help you get over your own stumbling blocks and hurdles. For free.

Sure, you can jump into several podcaster-populated online communities and ask for help. You'll get a bunch of answers, some of which are great, some of which are not.

Or you can just ask someone with deep expertise what they think. Someone like me. No, exactly me. Just ask.

I am genuinely offering my advice, guidance, and direction for free. This is me giving back to working podcasters like you who listen to my show every day, four times a week. The least I can do is answer some questions for you. 

So please understand: You're not...

The novel coronavirus pandemic either has or will hit all podcasters. And the impact will be unevenly distributed, affecting some more than others. 

I want to hear your stories of how it’s impacting you and your podcasting efforts. 

I also want to help you any way that I can.

I’ll start. We here at ShEvo Studios are fine. Neither we nor our immediate families have contracted COVID19, at least not that I’ve heard. Simpler Media, the podcast consultancy I run, is also doing fine. The small distributed team members that make the sausage for our clients are all virus-free, so the machinery we’ve put in place is working. We’re even onboarding new clients this week.

But I know that's not the case for everyone. I know that a lot of people -- podcast hosts or podcast service providers -- are already struggling with the changed world.

I want to hear and to share those stories. Stories of negative, positive, or neutral impact. Whatever is happening -- or isn’t happening -- to your life as a podcaster, I’m asking you to tell me. Grab your microphone, kick out a quick stream-of-conscious update, and send it to me.

And because we’re buddies, I have an offer for you.  I want to help you, the working podcaster. I want to give you -- yes, give you -- very specific advice, suggestions, and assistance that will help you get over your own stumbling blocks and hurdles. For free.

Sure, you can jump into several podcaster-populated online communities and ask for help. You'll get a bunch of answers, some of which are great, some of which are not.

Or you can just ask someone with deep expertise what they think. Someone like me. No, exactly me. Just ask.

I am genuinely offering my advice, guidance, and direction for free. This is me giving back to working podcasters like you who listen to my show every day, four times a week. The least I can do is answer some questions for you. 

So please understand: You're not imposing upon me. You are not taking advantage of me. This is an open offer. If you are a listener of my program and you need advice, guidance, a nudge, for me to take a look at something, or take a listen at something, or give you my opinion on something: You've got it. 

I have the bandwidth to help you right now. So please reach out to me however you wish.  You can email me at [email protected]. I'm all over Twitter @EvoTerra. I don't spend a lot of time on Facebook, although if you tag me in a post or a comment, I do see it. My face is on Instagram at Evo_Terra, it's up to you.


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Podcast Pontifications is published by Evo Terra four times a week and is aimed at the working podcaster. The purpose of this show is to make podcasting better, not just easier.

Follow Evo on Twitter for more podcasting insights as they come.

And if you need a professional in your podcasting corner, please visit to see how Simpler Media Productions can help your firm. Podcasting is our only business!

Mentioned in this episode:

Support For Abortion Rights

While Americans overwhelmingly support the right of an individual to make their own decisions about abortion, unfortunately, that right is no longer protected everywhere in the U.S. The Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade on June 24th.

Abortion is a basic healthcare need for the millions of people who can become pregnant. Everyone should have the freedom to decide what’s best for themselves and their families, including when it comes to ending a pregnancy. This decision has dire consequences for individual health and safety, and could have harsh repercussions for other landmark decisions.

Restricting access to comprehensive reproductive care, including abortion, threatens the health and independence of all Americans. Even if you live in a state where abortion rights are upheld, access to safe medical procedures shouldn’t be determined by location, and it shouldn't be the privilege of a small few.

You can help by donating to local abortion funds. To find out where to donate for each state, visit

If you or someone you know needs help, or if you want to get more involved, here are 5 resources:

1. is a campaign to normalize abortion.
2. is a campaign for companies to take a stand against abortion restrictions.
3. has information about where to find clinics.
4. provides early at-home abortion pills that you can keep in your medicine cabinet.
5. has a collection of these resources and more.

We encourage you to speak up! And spread the word.

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