Abnormality is not a bad thing. It’s just not normal. Until you normalize it. Here are four different ideas here that might help you embrace a little more abnormality to your podcast.

1. Keep the standards, toss the conventions.  Standards and best practices are there for a reason. Conventions, on the other hand, you can play fast and loose with. Or toss out altogether. 

You don’t always have to record from your perfectly sound-conditioned studio with your fancy-pants microphone. You don’t have to follow someone else’s playbook to determing how many questions to ask of your guests or how many points you should cover in an episode.

2. Make a meaningful distinction between you and everybody else. Have you really checked every other podcast in your niche? That’s still doable today. And make sure your differentiation is a meaningful differentiation. Things like episode length or guest lists aren’t meaningful distinctions.

3. Forgive your relapses and try harder. You're going to fall back onto old habits as you try to be different. Forgive yourself when that happens. Just go back and try and do better next time.

4. Check yourself and check-in with yourself. The process of making abnormal content should feel unfamiliar to you, but it shouldn’t come with a lot of personal discomfort. But it’s the opposite for your listeners. They should feel a bit uncomfortable with the changes you’re making. But those new episodes shouldn't feel unfamiliar to them. 

I know it feels weird to go against the grain. Then again, you should be quite familiar with my offering up of oddball advice like that. If you’re feeling a little uncomfortable about it, I’ve done my job. Your job, now, is to normalize the making of abnormal podcasts… again.

Looking at the calendar, I see that Evo’s long winters nap is coming up. That's what I call the months of November and December when I take a break from the daily release schedule. As a treat, I open up the show to other working podcasts just like you who have their own topics and angles they wish to pontificate about. If you’ve a burning topic and unique take on something related to the future of podcasting or ways to make podcasting better, please send an email to [email protected] and we’ll talk about your idea. And I really am looking for your own ideas and opinions. Even if they run counter to my own.


Read the full article and share with a friend: https://podcastpontifications.com/episode/normalize-the-making-of-abnormal-podcasts-again

Follow Evo on Twitter for more podcasting insights as they come.

Buy him a virtual coffee to show your support.

And if you need a professional in your podcasting corner, please visit Simpler.Media to see how Simpler Media Productions can help you reach your business objectives with podcasting.

Podcast Pontifications is published by Evo Terra four times a week and is designed to make podcasting better, not just easier.

Mentioned in this episode:

Support For Abortion Rights

While Americans overwhelmingly support the right of an individual to make their own decisions about abortion, unfortunately, that right is no longer protected everywhere in the U.S. The Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade on June 24th....

Abnormality is not a bad thing. It’s just not normal. Until you normalize it. Here are four different ideas here that might help you embrace a little more abnormality to your podcast.

1. Keep the standards, toss the conventions.  Standards and best practices are there for a reason. Conventions, on the other hand, you can play fast and loose with. Or toss out altogether. 

You don’t always have to record from your perfectly sound-conditioned studio with your fancy-pants microphone. You don’t have to follow someone else’s playbook to determing how many questions to ask of your guests or how many points you should cover in an episode.

2. Make a meaningful distinction between you and everybody else. Have you really checked every other podcast in your niche? That’s still doable today. And make sure your differentiation is a meaningful differentiation. Things like episode length or guest lists aren’t meaningful distinctions.

3. Forgive your relapses and try harder. You're going to fall back onto old habits as you try to be different. Forgive yourself when that happens. Just go back and try and do better next time.

4. Check yourself and check-in with yourself. The process of making abnormal content should feel unfamiliar to you, but it shouldn’t come with a lot of personal discomfort. But it’s the opposite for your listeners. They should feel a bit uncomfortable with the changes you’re making. But those new episodes shouldn't feel unfamiliar to them. 

I know it feels weird to go against the grain. Then again, you should be quite familiar with my offering up of oddball advice like that. If you’re feeling a little uncomfortable about it, I’ve done my job. Your job, now, is to normalize the making of abnormal podcasts… again.

Looking at the calendar, I see that Evo’s long winters nap is coming up. That's what I call the months of November and December when I take a break from the daily release schedule. As a treat, I open up the show to other working podcasts just like you who have their own topics and angles they wish to pontificate about. If you’ve a burning topic and unique take on something related to the future of podcasting or ways to make podcasting better, please send an email to [email protected] and we’ll talk about your idea. And I really am looking for your own ideas and opinions. Even if they run counter to my own.


Read the full article and share with a friend: https://podcastpontifications.com/episode/normalize-the-making-of-abnormal-podcasts-again

Follow Evo on Twitter for more podcasting insights as they come.

Buy him a virtual coffee to show your support.

And if you need a professional in your podcasting corner, please visit Simpler.Media to see how Simpler Media Productions can help you reach your business objectives with podcasting.

Podcast Pontifications is published by Evo Terra four times a week and is designed to make podcasting better, not just easier.

Mentioned in this episode:

Support For Abortion Rights

While Americans overwhelmingly support the right of an individual to make their own decisions about abortion, unfortunately, that right is no longer protected everywhere in the U.S. The Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade on June 24th.

Abortion is a basic healthcare need for the millions of people who can become pregnant. Everyone should have the freedom to decide what’s best for themselves and their families, including when it comes to ending a pregnancy. This decision has dire consequences for individual health and safety, and could have harsh repercussions for other landmark decisions.

Restricting access to comprehensive reproductive care, including abortion, threatens the health and independence of all Americans. Even if you live in a state where abortion rights are upheld, access to safe medical procedures shouldn’t be determined by location, and it shouldn't be the privilege of a small few.

You can help by donating to local abortion funds. To find out where to donate for each state, visit donations4abortion.com.

If you or someone you know needs help, or if you want to get more involved, here are 5 resources:

1. ShoutYourAbortion.com is a campaign to normalize abortion.
2. DontBanEquality.com is a campaign for companies to take a stand against abortion restrictions.
3. Abortion.cafe has information about where to find clinics.
4. PlanCPills.org provides early at-home abortion pills that you can keep in your medicine cabinet.
5. Choice.CRD.co has a collection of these resources and more.

We encourage you to speak up! And spread the word.

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OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
Podsights - https://podsights.com/privacy

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