What’s up dirty cones

It’s Monday
Not quite Jocko time lol
Hot yoga excuses, I hear lots of excuses as to why people don’t want to go to the pool

Meditation and memory
Pain association lol
Or word association

Hermitage YMCA and the Smyrna YMCA s in Nashville are underwater friendly

Half moon pose is a perfect underwater glide position
Or the all the way down position of a pull up
It’s not me it’s you
More bang for your buck and more good stuff out of hot yoga

If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all....
I do all of my hot yoga with heavy clothes so it’s hotter, working my way up to a wet suit

Fear is the driver for most people
If you think you might be coming to a stop or slow down just remove your foot from the gas and coast

It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt
~Arthur Burns

Exhale breathing
Very important

Yoga teacher training
Bikram’s Beginning Yoga Class
Where are you on the spectrum laying in the back just breathing or perfection incarnate

Rest to work
If I can breathe one breath, I can do two, if I can do two I can do three....
If you can you must

Silent professional
Earn your rest and work 200% so you may rest 200%

Count your wins, everything is a win if you did not die
Don’t just crumble, show that you are in control

Learn to rest periodt.

Break things down into edible chunks

Warrior Mindset
It’s not misery it’s a walk in the park

If you see an
Ambulance.... move out of the way

Pool program
With water wrestling leg locks, arms bars aqua jogging and synchronized swimming

Don’t come until you are prepared and ready
Want to know if you are ready, don’t lie to yourself
Come hang out with me Bob, Bryan, Jason or Col Stocker and find out the truth. None of us will lie to you.

Wrap up
Thank you for listening
Yoga is life, life is fill in the blank, if you can get through one you can get through the next thing
Find your purpose
Be your purpose
If you are worried about things.... you aren’t focused
Have a good one
