Low Tech Podcast, No. 62 – 30 Dec 2022

Low-Tech Perspective on the News of 2022


We’re looking back at 2022 with a low-tech perspective on the events that shaped the world.

#2022 #sustainability … More Low Tech Podcast, No. 62 — Low-Tech Perspective on the News of 2022


Low Tech Podcast, No. 62 – 30 Dec 2022

Low-Tech Perspective on the News of 2022


We’re looking back at 2022 with a low-tech perspective on the events that shaped the world.

Fertilizer Prices: https://farmdocdaily.illinois.edu/2022/09/fertilizer-prices-rates-and-costs-for-2023.html

Wheat Prices: https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/wheat

UN’s COP27 Takeaways: https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/conferences/sharm-el-sheikh-climate-change-conference-november-2022/five-key-takeaways-from-cop27

NASA’s Artemis Program: https://www.space.com/artemis-program.html

VOX on the Fusion “Breakthrough”: https://www.vox.com/recode/23505995/fusion-energy-breakthrough-announcement-ignition-nif

NPR Inflation Article: https://www.npr.org/2022/11/29/1139342874/corporate-greed-and-the-inflation-mystery

Future Climate Map: https://fitzlab.shinyapps.io/cityapp/

Jonathan the Tortoise: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_(tortoise)

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Songs are:

Lost on the Freeway” off of Lost by Holizna (Pub. Dom.)

Video Clips (Fair Use as Commentary):

Reports of Explosions as Russian Forces Launch Ukraine Military Assault – BBC: https://youtu.be/nbQVPSvGnmQ

“We need all hands on deck for faster, bolder climate action” – United Nations: https://youtu.be/7WCXFoDsjcQ

 ‘Tridemic’ threatening to overwhelm healthcare systems as flu, RSV, COVID cases rise – PBS Newshour: https://youtu.be/IHdbXnqH7SE

Artemis I Briefing with NASA Leadership – NASA: https://youtu.be/APPiEjHuxkI

Secretary Granholm & DOE leaders Announced Fusion Breakthrough – DOE: https://youtu.be/K2ktAL4rGuY

California’s move to ban sales of new gasoline-fueled cars could spread to other states – PBS Newshour: https://youtu.be/q1QdkPmWcHM

 Soaring costs drive inflation increases above expectations – PBS Newshour: https://youtu.be/9C1We8L3KnU

How climate change is driving extreme weather in 2022 – Reuters: https://youtu.be/wT8IgA4ms0s Jonathan at 190 years old – St. Helena Tourism: https://youtu.be/PXsTZzyyrSE