Low Tech Podcast, No. 63 – 13 Jan 2022

The Future of Composting


We’re joined this week by Matt Crisp (@matt.crunchy) to hop in our time machine and visit 2073 to learn about local, post-transition compost systems in the Midwest, Southwest, and New England.

#sustainability #compost #lowtech #transition … More Low Tech Podcast, No. 63 — The Future of Composting


Low Tech Podcast, No. 63 – 13 Jan 2022

The Future of Composting


We’re joined this week by Matt Crisp (@matt.crunchy) to hop in our time machine and visit 2073 to learn about local, post-transition compost systems in the Midwest, Southwest, and New England.

You can also find Matt as a co-host on the Poor Prole’s Almanac (poorproles.com).

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Songs are:

Lost on the Freeway” off of Lost by Holizna (Pub. Dom.)

Cover Image is:

Utopien 4 by Makis E. Warlamis (CC-BY-SA)