Low Tech Podcast, No. 61 – 16 Dec 2022

Future-fitting a Florida Subdivision


In this episode we travel forward in time to 2042 and visit a Florida subdivision that future-fitted itself into a locally sustained community in a future without fossil-fuels.

#futurefit #sustainability … More Low Tech Podcast, No. 61 — Future-fitting a Florida Subdivision


Low Tech Podcast, No. 61 – 16 Dec 2022

Future-fitting a Florida Subdivision


In this episode we travel forward in time to 2042 and visit a Florida subdivision that future-fitted itself into a locally sustained community in a future without fossil-fuels.

future-fit (ˈfyü-chər -ˈfit)

transitive verb

1. “modify current models so as to incorporate upcoming anticipated changes”

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Songs are:

Blue Skies” off of Lazy Summer Lo-Fi by Holizna (Pub. Dom.)