Burnout is an ailment that impacts thousands of people and can cause severe mental and physical damage if not dealt with accordingly. According to helpguide.org: Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.

When it comes to podcasting, one of the biggest reasons I believe many shows stop dead in their tracks and podfade is because those behind the scenes don't take the time to build a foundational plan that supports long-term growth. When podcasts are launched haphazardly, it's inevitable that lack of planning will catch up to those creators...and that's when burnout can rear its ugly head. They scramble, they throw ideas together for the sake of getting content out, and their show becomes more and more of a chore with each episode they produce.

In Episode 90 of Pod Theory, I'm joined by mental health professional Sara Makin, the Founder of Makin Wellness, to discuss ways you can prevent burning out while producing your podcast. Sara brings years of knowledge and experience helping her clients deal with various stages of burnout and will help you understand the early signs of burnout, how to prevent those signs from escalating, ways to bounce back should you experience full burnout, and more.

If you would like to learn more about Sara's practice and how she and her team can help you with burnout and other potential mental ailments, please visit makinwellness.com and find them on your favorite social media platform @makinwellness.

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MUSIC CREDIT: Theme music for Pod Theory - Big Vision - via purple-planet.com

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Theme Music courtesy of Alex Grohl via pixabay.com

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