Welcome to episode 43. 


On the Pleasure Rising Podcast today I am chatting with Rachael Maddox about how you can heal sexual trauma. Rachael shares with us her story which encompasses trauma, how it revealed itself to her in her life , sexuality and body. She shares reflective questions to help you tend to your trauma slowly and safely, and some simple yet empowering places to start in order to make space for you to move through the core wounds and into a place of health, vitality, trust and love.


Rachael Maddox is a trauma resolution educator, coach and guide who’s helped hundreds of humans move from sexual, complex or developmental trauma into pleasure, power and trust-filled relationships.


Author of Secret Bad Girl: a sexual trauma memoir and resolution guide, and the upcoming book ReBloom: a soulful system for post-traumatic growth in sex, love and society – Rachael uses stories and metaphor to weave together healing methods that are accessible, safe, fun and effective.


Listen in to todays episode and then join the conversation in our private Facebook Group: Pleasure Rising.




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