How can we show up in the world, and in ourselves in a healthy empowered way? 

I have noticed from my own life the transformation of my owner partners masculine understanding and liberation and how much that effects our sex life and relationship. Learning how to harness your masculinity in a healthy way effects men, but also women. Just as when we work on ourselves, we bring so much more to our lives. 


Todays expert is a Masculine Empowerment Coach with a passion for helping men be more confident and successful with women.


His personal story is one of growing up with sexual repression, which led him into a real mess for a while in his sexuality and in the way he was relating to women. 


His struggles drew him to question the traditional models of masculinity he’d grown up with, and to embrace a healthier model that championed men being vulnerable and 100% authentic. 


His name is Dave and he leads The Empowered Man and works with select private clients both in Australia and internationally.


He will be discussed today the five traits of healthy masculinity and how you can begin to develop those traits today.


Listen in to todays episode and then join the conversation in our private Facebook Group: Pleasure Rising.




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