It can be such a struggle to cope with life changes. You struggle with understanding that changes happening, and you may also struggle on understanding what the next step for you might be. In this episode, we unpack some insights on how to cope with life changes, so that you find yourself moving through them with more ease.

When you are coping with the changes that are going on in your life, it's important to create space for the journey. This means clearing out things in your life so that you are able to walk through a difficult time. That could mean removing some work off your plate, which comes down to putting less-priority tasks off to the side for a little while. Creating space for you to emotionally move through the changes that are going on will be helpful to you

Other areas that we discussed on this podcast episode is ensuring that you have someone to talk to. This means your family, friends, or someone you trust to talk to and hear you out, and listen to what you're struggling with. We also chat about the importance to go at your own pace. Everyone goes through life changes differently, and it is OK for you to go through it the way you can.

Finally, just know that there is a silver lining in the changes that you're going through. It can be hard to recognize it, but even if the silver lining is that you can get through it, that can be within itself comforting.

When so many in our industry, struggle with stress and overwhelm, it's important to know that it's not always the work that we are dealing with that causes the overwhelm it can just be purely that we're going through some type of additional change in our lives that makes us not be able to handle our capacities in the same way that we have done in the past. And it's okay.

As always if you need additional support for your mental health, check out these resources for help.

Links and Resources
National Association of Mental Health Resources
National Council for Mental Well-Being
Suicide and Crisis Hotline

To learn more about Planners on Purpose, visit the website.

Thank you so much for listening, until next time, stay on purpose.

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