World Food Day - By  Sri Preethaji 

Food is a universal pleasure.

Every creature in the universe eats from the single celled organisms

to us, to the stars. 

Do you know giant stars eat smaller ones? 

The black hole in the centre of our galaxy is going to someday eat in the distant future our milky way. 

That is why the ancients compared the entire universe to a Yagna - a fire sacrifice. 

Where the great fire consumes everything that is offered in it and transmutes the offerings received into energy- into life force.

That is why Brahmaarpanam Brahmahavir Brahmagnau Brahmanaahutam

which means everything is one indivisible consciousness or Bramhan.

It is consciousness that is the digestive fire. Consciousness is the food. Consciousness is the one who is offering it and the one who is eating it. Consciousness is the energy that emerges as the end result.

Food is a sacred mystery.