Awaken to the truth of oneness of humanity - By Sri Preethaji 


To us, every human experience is sacred. We see that there is one human experience, one humanity.

That is what Ekam means - it means oneness. Ekam is an enlightened state of consciousness where you are awake to the oneness of our existence.

We are one with all forms of life. We are one with the Universe.

When you are not established in this great spiritual realisation that we are one, your actions and behaviour cause division and conflict. You inflict pain upon yourself and another. Your actions lead to disharmony in nature and destruction to earth.

You move away from oneness when you begin to see the other as being different from you. Very often in your conversations you tell people, ‘I am not like you’ ‘I don’t behave like you’ ‘I am different from you’. You may not behave like someone else or express emotions the way someone else does. But are you really different from the other? We are one in our  experience of sorrow and happiness, we are one in our fears, peace, pain and pleasure. 

Right from childhood, you are taught to emphasize your differences and prove your superiority. You are taught to build your identity on how different you are. Division is at the very basis of our educational system and the foundation upon which you build your career and your achievements. 

May be a thousand years ago, humanity had lesser number of factors upon which people divided themselves. But with civilizational progress and scientific advancement, the walls that differentiate us and divide us have become numerous. Our obsession to be unique and stand out as being different from the rest has assumed maniacal proportions creating distortions and aberrations in personality. As a civilization, we are inventing ever new ways, through our clothes, through our life style, through our activities - to constantly be different from the other. 

This disease and sickness of the human mind has to be healed for you to move into a space of oneness. When division ceases conflict ceases to exist. You feel one, you live in harmony, you naturally care for another from a space of love.