Triumph and Defeat - By Sri Preethaji 

How do you choose a leader? Do you choose a leader based on colour?

A leader may be black or white; a leader may be brown or yellow.

Do you choose a leader based on gender?

A leader may be a man, a woman or a transgender.

Do you choose a leader based on age? 

A leader may be young, middle aged or old. 

If your choice of a leader is based on any or all of these factors please know that these traits are mere superficialities that end with the body. 

But how to choose a right leader?  What is right leadership? 

Choose a leader who is inspired by a vision for their nation  who is driven by a sense of purpose.

Don't choose a leader who is driven by aggressive ambition and whose only claim to power is the mistakes of their opponents. 

Choose a leader who is responsibility driven one who is aware of the consequences of their decisions and actions upon the nation and its people.

Don't choose a leader who is ego-driven who is full of oneself. Never choose a leader whose decisions and actions are directed towards serving themselves alone. 

Choose a leader who focuses on the present as well as the future. Choose them who initiate plans and actions that ensure the safety and wellbeing of today as well as the distant future. 

Don't choose a leader who focuses on the immediate future alone and is myopic. Definitely don't choose a leader who is heartless and cannot connect to another human being's pain. 

Finally don't choose a leader who exaggerates differences and divides them. Such a leader would breed discrimination and would inculcate a culture of exploitation.

Choose a leader who focuses on creating oneness; oneness between one human being and another; One culture and another; Between one's nation and another; 

When the earth itself is in a precarious situation, choose only a leader who cares for mother earth.

A right leader chosen today can change the course of your nation and the world for now and for future for the better