The Power of Mantra - By Sri Preethaji 

Let us talk today of mantra. Mantra by definition is a sacred tool that actually  silences unnecessary thought chatter.
Mananam Trayati iti mantra, which means Mantra is that which silences the mind.

Continuous repetition of a mantra silences an overactive amygdala which then silences our painful mental chatter. That is why you find this age-old practice of chanting God’s name to actually calm an agitated mind.

Let us see what happens when mantra chanting is taken to the second stage.
At this stage mantra is combined with “Dharana”, which means focus on a form or on the essence of a form. For example you may chant a Hanuman mantra or do dharana either on the form of Hanuman or may do dharana on the essence of Hanuman. Do you know the meaning of the word Hanuman? Han-maan, means one who has vanquished his ego. That is why he could love Sri Rama so much.

While doing Hanuman mantra japa, you may do dharana on egolessness.
When you combine dharana and mantra together, the occipital region of your brain gets activated and you experience a powerful darshan of the diety, whose chant you are doing. At this stage when mantra gets combined with dharana it becomes Mananaath TraaNanaath. Which means mantra becomes that which protects.
Mantras are various kinds. There are Bija mantras which are like single syllable vibrations that unlock the doors to particular aspects of universal consciousness. There are also multi-worded mantras that directly call out to the deity’s name to intercede.
Let us now talk of how a mantra is chanted.

Mantrajapa is done in 4 ways. 
The 1st way is to loudly chant the mantra. The 2nd way is not to utter it loudly, but to move your lips in accordance with the mantra. The 3rd way of chanting is to internally repeat the chant over and over again but quietly. And the 4th way of mantra japa is called Ajapa-japa. Here you do not chant the mantra. You listen to the mantra echo spontaneously in your consciousness.

Chanting a mantra in itself has great impacts. But, if you have a mystic connection to the diety of the chant you can even generate mantra shakti by chanting it for a certain number of times and you dedicate it as an offering to someone who may need it.

Not all mantras are the same. Some rare mantras are Siddha mantras. They have immense power built into them. Siddha mantras can be chanted anywhere, anytime, with any intention.

Like Gayathri mantra, Ekam mantra is also a siddha mantra.

Let us say someone in the family is sick, you can chant the Ekam mantra - Hamsa-Soham-Ekam. You may chant it a 1008 times, 10,008 times or 100,008 and offer the fruit of your chant to the sick person to aid his or her recovery.

Let me narrate a real life experience to you of a couple who used the power of Ekam mantra to enhance their child’s intelligence.

This man is a math professor and his wife is a musician. After many years of marriage they gave birth to a baby boy. The boy looked healthy but was too slow to learn anything. Everybody in his school made fun of him. Because he took huge amount of time to understand anything. At the age of 8, he learnt slower than a 4 year old. Brain scans showed no problems. Everyone merely declared it as a problem of low IQ.

His parents after visiting Ekam, took a vow that they would chant Ekam mantra 100,000 times. They held the intention that their child must be blessed with great intelligence. Upon completion of the chant, they offered the fruit of their chant to their son.

Less than a month after this, the parents noticed his comprehension levels grow. Today he is 10 years old. Today he learns like any other child. In fact he has greater attention than many kids his age.

The power of mantra is a vast esoteric science.