Awakening - By  Sri Krishnaji

When millions of us will awaken to the ultimate states of peace- there will be a phase transition in human consciousness. These awakening experiences will flood human consciousness. They will begin to erupt spontaneously in people.

With this awakened, oneness consciousness alone we can find technological solutions, political solutions, financial Solutions, environmental solutions.

For without this awakening, the self-centered human consciousness will find loop-holes even in the best of systems and create chaos. 

The solutions you find from oneness consciousness are not quick fixes, they are enduring solutions.

We will be offering Mother Earth a chance to thrive, to rejuvenate and allow a beautiful future to be. 

Ekam, where we are sitting now is created as a Mystic space to facilitate this awakening. 

There are places on earth where you go to find pleasure. There are places where you go to find money or political power. There are places where you go to find religion. 

Ekam is created as a space where you access the power of the universe to awaken to God Realization and self Realization. The universal energy at Ekam pushes you into transcendence by facilitating profound neuro-biological shifts during deep processes.

This awakening is the evolution for which you have prepared for several life times. Please wake up. Awaken.