Soul Connection between Couples - By Sri PreethajiĀ 

Relationship between couples is much more complex than what meets the eye.

When I see a couple, I see huge karmic forces at work. Often times, you and your partner have come together in this life because of the pull of unresolved experiences from an earlier lifetime.

That is why the instant attraction and that is why also the unexplained emotional fallout in the later years. Only when couples become free of the emotional baggage of the earlier life times, can they find a space to heal and also love one another.

Vasanas, your past life tendencies are powerful forces. If you had lived an entire lifetime in loneliness or longing for love, this same tendency would flow into your next life seeking fulfillment of that tendency. The strange thing is you will repeat the same pattern of longing again, unless you become conscious of the force of your vasanas and you achieve spiritual evolution.

We had this couple come to us. Over the years they experienced a huge attraction for each other that alternates with resentment and judgement. They tried separating, but the pull was so simply strong to leave.

In one of the processes at Ekam, they saw their past lives. Ekam is the divine force field that opens up you to theĀ  transcendental dimension during processes. People see other worlds - they see other dimensions of their being, they are able to see beyond the physical. Even total athiests at Ekam come upon the divine presence during the processes.

This couple had lived many lifetimes without ever having awakened to love. Each lifetime it was only a desperate search for fulfillment.

So he saw the force of this vasana of addiction to pleasure and she saw her vasana of possessiveness and control.

Returning back to this couple, today after 3 years of their journey through various processes at Ekam, they both have dissolved their vasanas. An enduring love has taken root in their relationship. They are today an awakened couple evolving in love.

As a couple you can only make sense of your partner relationship if you realise that you two are beings on a shared journey of evolution. Until your heart opens to love, that is causeless, these karmic cycles of birth and death will go on and on in differing combinations.