Dharana on Maha Durga - By Sri Preethaji 

The upasana we will do now, is what you can do for the first three days of the Navaratri or Dussehra.

Sit cross legged. 

Look at the form of the mother Goddess as Maha Durga.

Close your eyes

Do a dharana upon her form in your chidakasha or the dark space in front of your closed eyes. 

Ask her to dissolve the traces of anger and greed from your consciousness and fill you with peace and generosity. 

With this sacred intention chant the mantra in Namaskara Mudra at your heart and feel the blessings of Maha Durga flow into you. 


Offer your gratitude to the divine mother for her immense blessings.

You may slowly open your eyes.
