Dear America, Be not Hateful over Hate - By  Sri Preethaji 

We have seen religion divides, race divides, caste divides, class divides, position divides and now elections and politics are dividing.

But why division?

That we have different views of life is a fact. That we live different life styles is a fact. That we believe in different gods is a fact. That our skin colors are different is a fact. But why should facts divide? Can they not exist like different flowers in the same garden? Is it worth alienating ourselves over an idea or an ideology?

Division and separation of every kind will take away our humanity from us. For over two and a half centuries United States has been divided between the ideal of universality on one hand and actual painful divisiveness in society on the other. 

Each time divisiveness has surfaced, American society has either brushed it under the carpet or it has clung to its ideals tighter. 

Have ideals ever transformed an individual or a society? If transformation has ever occurred it has only been because seeing the truth in its entirety even if it is painful. 

The fact is that millions in this advanced nation are still giving into feelings of separation and division on the basis of race,  on the basis of class. They are not able to see a fellow human being without the labels. 

It is this division from the highest to the lowest level in society is seeping through as violence, death on the streets and as conflicts within families.

These elections are a test of fire for every citizen of United States.

Can a father and a son, a husband and a wife or two friends have entirely different views on who the right leader is for the country and yet love each other ? Can neighbors still care for each other regardless of their political inclinations, regardless of their racial diversities?

Please stop being violent over violence. Hateful over hate. Vengeful over revenge. 

History has shown it again and again that anger and hate will only bring the worst in people. 

Make a decision as a nation to move towards peace. Dissolve divisiveness from your thinking itself. Make a decision as a nation to move towards oneness.  

Let this be a coming of age ceremony for America. In the coming days let not your differing views build into anger for each other. Because elections will pass; but the habit of anger will remain. Leaders will come and go; but you would have lost precious relationships. 

Division and separation is simply not worth it for any reason. 

Let us Bless America that it may rise in oneness and togetherness. 


1 November 2020                                                                                              




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