Next Episode: Finding A Job

Do you want to get started in business?

Just a few years ago.

I did too.

Plenty mistakes.

Couple of hard failures.

And lots of lessons.

I wanted to take the first episode to give a little bit of background of myself.

00:20 - Pit Village Story
01:14 - Lost Soul Leaving College
02:00 - Life Starts at 20
02:35 - First Jobs
03:50 - Wolf of Wall Street
05:05 - Nobody to Show You Sales?
05:35 - Time for Business
06:30 - First Failure & Lesson: Retained Customer Base
07:52 - Restart Business
08:47 - What is the Goal?
09:32 - Foundations
10:32 - Customers to Service
11:55 - Sales Process
12:58 - Customer Base
13:58 - Setting Goals & Daily Targets
15:25 - Get Mind Right
15:53 - Specialist in Branding
16:46 - Build Brand Around 'Ideal Customer'
17:34 - Be Selective of Customers
18:46 - It Is Possible
19:35 - Build A Foundation Then Grow
20:43 -Upcoming Plans for Podcast