We're back with another solo, stream of consciousness, episode! For this episode, I wanted to focus on addressing a topic that I get asked a lot: "What was it like to put together a book?" In this episode, I give y'all insight on what it was like to put together "Representation Over Pure Visibility: Stories of Pilipinx-American in San Diego" and "Stories of Pilipinx-Americans: Understanding the Process," two written projects that had totally different journeys. 

I go in depth with some of the highs and lows of putting projects together, and why I chose to go with the self-publishing route as opposed to getting down with a publishing company. 

If you haven't already, make sure to take a look at the two written projects I have out. "Representation Over Pure Visibility" is available for purchase on Amazon, and "Understanding the Process" is available on Amazon, as well as free download in the link below. If you're seeing this on Instagram or Twitter, this will be in my linktree. And if you're seeing this on Facebook, the link will be in the comment section below.
