This week, join Mike and Danny here in our bodies where we feel safest of all, we can lock all the doors, it’s the only way to live in bodies… or is it? Certainly Merleau Ponty would agree. Yes, it’s time for the physical body to not only take centre stage but to actually become the stage upon which we strut and fret and access the world. Bet you wish you’d kept it in better shape now don’t you? But don’t worry, Mike and Danny are on hand to socially reconstruct your entire reality. Gather round as they sensibly put on their philosophical hard hats and high-vis vests and set about knocking through that unsightly personal identity considered sooooo essential back in the day to create a whole new self with a lighter, airer feel to it that you will just love to invite people back to. I mean, we aren’t saying it won’t run into money and any thing we say up front is just an estimate, but totally worth it, right?