This week, as we approach that festive time of the year, join Mike and Danny as they invite a few friends over for drinks and nibbles. Listen in as de Beauvoir tries to bogart all the vol-au-vents while arguing that she is free to range with absolutely liberty across the entire buffet and who are we to try to constrain her with our fascist party hosting ideologies.  Well, there is always at least one guest like that, right? They bring the cheap ass supermarket larger and drink all your Prosecco. Across the room you might just make out Jacques Lacan checking himself out in the mirror - I bet he thinks this cast is about him. Don’t worry, Foucault is right there taking the piss and telling him there is something caught in his teeth that he can see - that guy, anything for a laugh. Yes, it’s a party in your brain and everyone is invited but I’m not cleaning up in the morning and don’t come crying to me if you wake up with your own ID, what happens at the WTF Christmas party, stays at the WTF Christmas party.