This week Mike confuses Danny with someone else, after all, how is Danny to be distinguished from anyone else? One needs to be tolerant of each other, right? Or perhaps, as Popper tells us, the tolerant society can only be tolerant by not tolerating the intolerant. To secure the essence of humanity what must we deny? How do we police our fundamental identity? What are we prepared to go to the stake for? Human dignity? Human freedom? Gender distinctions? Pineapple on pizza?? Where do we draw the line and what do we draw it in? - indelible pen? Pencil?? Chalk??? But what is this creeping up behind us smelling all sweaty and making odd noises? Yes, it’s the physical body preparing to make a reappearance and stake it’s claim to being an essential component in the quest for human identity. Watch it as it lumbers up on stage, takes the mic and starts to sing “Who You Are” by Jessie J. Yes, we are all down with the banging tunes on the WTF dance floor. All this and a retro reference to Paul McCartney and Wings for no good reason, watch out for it.