On Episode 9 of the Philosophical Weightlifting podcast I was joined by Danny Lennon. Danny is the founder of Sigma Nutrition, which aims to provide evidence-based educational material on nutrition, performance and exercise science.

Danny has both the education, receiving his master’s degree in nutritional science, and practical experience, being a competitive powerlifter and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu blue belt. He has worked with MMA fighters, professional boxers and competitive powerlifters, as well as consulting with several teams in a number of sports.

In this episode we discussed many topics including, nutrition basics and the importance of Calories, macronutrients, nutrient timing, food quality, and supplements on health and body composition. We also discussed diet deloads, water cuts for strength athletes, and rates of gain and loss appropriate for optimizing body composition.

This was another awesome show guys and I am so excited to have this opportunity. Thanks for listening and if you enjoy what you heard give us a like, share, and subscribe for future episodes.

Danny’s Website: http://sigmanutrition.com/

Sigma Nutrition Radio Podcast: http://sigmanutrition.com/podcasts/

"Stumbling on Happiness": https://www.amazon.com/Stumbling-Happiness-Daniel-Gilbert/dp/1400077427

We are also on iTunes. Just search: "The Philosophical Weightlifting Podcast"