On Episode 10 of the Philosophical Weightlifting podcast I was joined by Colin Burns. Colin is the American record holder in the snatch for the 94kg class. He has won the National Championships, medaled at Pan Ams, and competed at the Worlds Championships.

Before Colin was a weightlifter he played football at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, trained in Judo at the Olympic Training center, and was just an all-around badass.

In this episode we discussed many topics including: weightlifting technique (how to use the hips in the snatch and clean and jerk), how Colin programs for competitive success, Colin’s worst mistake as an athlete, variation in the lifts to address technical proficiency, and much more.

This was another awesome show guys and I am so excited to have this opportunity. Thanks for listening and if you enjoy what you heard give us a like, share, and subscribe for future episodes.

Colin’s Social Media


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/colin.burns.90

Ronin Weightlifting Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roninweightlifting/

Coaching Email: [email protected]

We are also on iTunes. Just search: "The Philosophical Weightlifting Podcast"