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- [Berkshire Hathaway Inc.: Shareholder Meeting Information](
- [PG Vlog #226 - media swarming](
- [Living in NYC during a Crisis]( by Casey Neistat
- [Liar's Poker]( by Michael Lewis
- [Why books don't work]( by Andy Matuschak
- [Thinking, Fast and Slow]( by Daniel Kahneman
- [Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning]( by by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, Mark A. McDaniel
- [The Ph.D. Grind](
- [Watch Me Play]( by T.L. Taylor
- [Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less Paperback]( by Greg McKeown
- [What I would've wanted to know as a 3rd/4th-year assistant professor](
- [Overcooked game](
- [WWF attitude era](

Recorded: 2019-05-12

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