Naomi is a self-professed 'course junky' and has been certified in a lot of modalities including Reike, Keyforce Healing Energy Movement, The Golden Wings Energy and Reflexogy BUT she never took the plunge to do anything with them.

In 2019, this mum of 3 started her own business after NEVER having had her own business before and she's here to share with you what she did to finally follow her heart and transition from her J.O.B. into doing something that she loves and leaves her feeling fulfilled.

The CREATRIX® Transformology Program for Coaches and Therapists to break women through deep blocks fast, painlessly and for good so they can get on with the life of their potential. We offer a whole business in a box solution for a therapy business helping women to be able to move forward beyond her past limitations. We are global and in search of women with a dynamic work ethic who wants to work on her own but not by herself as we have all of the support you'll ever need.

 Learn more to unblock your success at

To find out how you can work with Naomi for your own success, visit