After spending 23 years in the air working with the Netherlands National Airline Jo was in a severe pattern of burnout - pushing herself to her limits to please other people.
Common story right! (Did you realise in the Netherlands women are twice as likely to experience burn out.... a statistic that, I'm sure, is echoed around the world!)

At that time, Jo realised that she HAD to make a courageous step towards the unknown - as scary as it was, her current situation was not benefiting her mental, emotional OR spiritual wellbeing.

She stumbled across CREATRIX® Transformology® in 2018 and since then has created a fulfilling business helping women heal their hearts while securing financial freedom for herself and regulalry supports a Refugee camp in Ghana.

In this wonderful conversation, you're going to heart Jo's secret to creating this Impactful Success.... hint; it's NOT something you have to DO, but something that comes from within you when the monkey mind isn't getting in the way - and it's something that WE help ALL our facilitators to access in the first 8 weeks of training.

The CREATRIX® Transformology Program for Coaches and Therapists to break women through deep blocks fast, painlessly and for good so they can get on with the life of their potential. We offer a whole business in a box solution for a therapy business helping women to be able to move forward beyond her past limitations. We are global and in search of women with a dynamic work ethic who wants to work on her own but not by herself as we have all of the support you'll ever need.

 Learn more to unblock your success at

To find out how you can work with Jo for your own success, visit