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I have found that as we run our businesses and we continue being consistent in our strategy and putting it into practice, that if we aren't getting the success that we really want say a launch, doesn't go as well as we hope it does something doesn't sell as much as we want it to, or we don't get the number of leads that we think we will from something.
[00:00:21] That it's not usually because everything is broken and we're not good enough. Usually there's just one or two little things that are slightly off. And as soon as we really get those things in place, Everything starts to take off. I like when your website breaks, I don't know if you've ever experienced this, but say your website goes down and your tech team has to go in and figure out what's going on.
[00:00:46] Or you, if you're your tech team, which been there. Done that don't ever want to do it again. Don't recommend it unless you're a web developer, but normally there's just one little thing that it's off that needs fixing that brings everything back up and online and makes it all work beautifully. Right. So if one piece of code in your website is screwed up, it may be just might mess something up a little bit, but maybe it takes down the entire site.
[00:01:14] And so. In the same way your business might be 99, 9% really amazing. You might be doing 99% of them. Right. But you've got 1% of it off. But when you shift that 1% back to what it needs to be, everything's going to take off. So that's what I want to talk to you about today in this episode of the bright entrepreneur podcast One of the biggest things that I have learned through my almost 10 years of running an online business, is that when things go wrong, it's usually not a reflection of me and who I am as a person. Total transparency for me right now. most of my entrepreneurial life. I was really afraid of failing. And in part I was afraid of having a bad launch or something, not working, not because I, really needed the money, even though we needed money and whatever else, like a business, his whole purpose is to make money.
[00:02:45] So you want it to be profitable. So my fear was less about. Financial gain or the lack of financial game and more about what it meant about me as a person. Now, I didn't realize this back then, but as I've been spending a lot of time doing personal growth over the last year and a half, I've realized that I get a lot of my worth or I used to based on the success of the things that I'm doing, I wanted to be a bright entrepreneur and it really, really mattered to me to prove that I was good enough to prove that I was worthy of love. And like, I just tangled all sorts of meaning into my success that simply did not belong there. And I never realized that I was doing it, but I was so afraid of what people would think of me. If I had failed that when something didn't go as well as I wanted it to, I was afraid to tell other people I was downright ashamed to admit it and to ask them for help.
[00:03:49] Now that's all craziness. And now it's easy for me to look back and say, Oh man, it has nothing to do with me as a person. And when I recognize that and I was able to step away from that and realize that when something didn't go, the way I wanted to, this was just a great opportunity for me to learn what didn't work and really try and figure out how I can.
[00:04:09] It shifted it was experiments. , I think I shared this with you guys on the podcast. If you listen to my Burkey episodes, but maybe not because COVID hit and everything went a little crazy, but my theory, when I'm cross country skiing and I do this like 55 kilometer cross country ski race called the American burka Biner or the Berkey for short.
[00:04:28] And it's amazing, but it's super duper hilly. So it's up and down Hills on cross country skis. For miles and miles and miles like 34 miles or something. And my personal philosophy of that, that is if I am giving it my all, I ought to be wiping out at least a few times during the race, because otherwise I'm not going all out.
[00:04:51] I'm not going to the edge of my control and really mad maximizing my potential by giving it everything. If I'm not getting to that point and sometimes falling over it and crashing. And I had a yard sale. I mean, I had total yard sale of a moment on the Hills last February. And it was at the worst possible time, this guy at the top of the Hill.
[00:05:13] Oh my gosh. Okay. I have to share this with you. So total side note, but bear with me. Um, it's my podcast. So you just have to listen. It's just how it is. This is the quirky Jamie that you get. But, I am obnoxious on the cross country, ski Hills. And when I say of noxious, I mean, I'm the obnoxiously happy one.
[00:05:33] I hoot and holler with joy. When I am cruising down the Hills, I even sing out loud. This race, it's not a tiny ski race on a tiny trail through the woods. This is like 17,000 people going through this massive highway in the woods. It's cool. Crazy. It's the most beautiful, insane, amazing thing ever. And it's all up and down Hills.
[00:05:56] And so, it's literally like a roller coaster of Hills. There's very little flat where you're going. And so I was hooting and hollering and just bombing the Hills and. People are a little nervous about it because a lot of places don't have Hills like this that you can train on around the U S and people come from around the world for this.
[00:06:12] And so I, this guy I'm at the top of a Hill and we're about a third of the way through the race. And he goes, man, you must really love the Hills or love bombing them or whatever, but it was not like. Happy. He was totally being judgmental. And I'm like, yeah, if you don't enjoy it, like if you don't enjoy going downhill, why are you doing this?
[00:06:30] Because no one enjoys climbing up a Hill with skis on their feet, because let me tell you, it's harder than walking up a Hill when you've got long skis on your feet and they're attached and you've got to go up a Hill like. Duck walking, it's called, um, herring boning. You can look it up online and it is, it's awkward.
[00:06:49] It's not easy and it's not fun. Let's just call it what it is he is. And so if you're going to ski 34 miles, you better enjoy the downhills, right? Like, cause what else is there to do? You're going to hate yourself if you don't. So I'm like, yeah, of course. And so I bombed this Hill cause I went before him and of course this would be the Hill right after he makes that snide comment that.
[00:07:10] I just yard sale. I wish there was a video because I mean, I, I literally like somersaulted fell gear, flying everywhere as to why they call it a yard sale. Cause it all comes off and it like litters the Hill and, and as he goes by a second later, he goes, well, that's what happens when you go down so fast or you bomb the Hills or some super snide.
[00:07:33] I mean, really, really jerk. Comment. I won't say what I want to say, because I want to keep this clean in case there are kids listening, but he was not very kind about his comment, but in the past stuff like that would have bothered me in such a massive way. I would have seen it as a personal failure or a reflection on my character or even worse on my.
[00:07:55]Worth or my abilities as a person. And I've grown so much that I'm like, this is just part of the process. Like I want to do my best. And if I know, I know that if I'm really giving my all, if I am really going to my limits and pushing just a little bit more, because I want to get as much potential momentum as I possibly can, sometimes I'm going to fall.
[00:08:19] And sometimes I'm going to fail and that's where I get to learn something. And so now if I have a failed launch or promote or something, I do doesn't work as well as I want it to it doesn't freak me out in the same way. And what I have found is that. Bright entrepreneurs know that there's really only a few main reasons that a launch fails or something goes really, really poorly in our business.
[00:08:44] And that's what I want to share with you today, because I know how easy it is, especially as you're starting out. And you're trying to prove that you do have what it takes, because I know in the back of your mind, if you're anything like me that maybe you're saying, do I really have what it takes? can I really do this?
[00:09:01] Am I good enough? Because. If you see all these other people around you succeeding in your not and if you're doing the other things that they're doing and you're following the tactics, or at least you think you are, and it's not working the same for you, it can feel like maybe it's your fault. You don't know what to look for.
[00:09:19] And I want you to know that generally speaking, it's not your fault. I genuinely believe that almost anybody could run an online business successfully if they understood good. The big picture strategy. And some of these key things that I'm going to share with you right now.
[00:09:37] So I know that was kind of a long story to get into it, but I really wanted to illustrate that point and, , show you that failure does not have to be a reflection on you. And I'm going to specifically talk about launching and selling because.
[00:09:50] That's kind of the measure of a successful business, right? I mean, yes, absolutely. Impact is a big part of it. But if you can't sell your product or your offer, that's going to bring that impact. Nobody's going to get the transformation that it brings, right? So let's, let's focus in, on launching your product or selling your product.
[00:10:08] And so, number one, you need to nail your offer. So what I mean is people. Need to want what it is that you're selling and it needs to be priced appropriately. It needs to have the things inside of it that they're going to find helpful, and that will actually bring the transformation and the results to them that they want.
[00:10:30] And it needs to be basically packaged up in a way that they're like, Oh my gosh, this is absolutely what I need.
[00:10:36] Second, if your offer is good, if you know that what you are selling brings real transformation to people, and it's something that they're actually going to want, then it might just be that your messaging is off. Now, your messaging is the conversation that you're using. To sell your product. And so for me, this is, this is where I'm focusing a lot.
[00:10:58] I know without shadow of the doubt that my bright future method will change the lives of others, entrepreneurs who implement it in their business, and it's going to help them change their customers' lives and make it. Deeper impact on the world because it's created to not just grow your business, but to also create a movement around it, of transformation, it's going to bring transformation to your client, and then it's going to teach you how to empower them, to want to help others have that transformation as well, and invite them to come and join your business and buy your stuff right?
[00:11:32] Because they want the same transformation. That's what it teaches. So I know the offer is good, but my messaging it's so big. And I talked about this in the last year episode, but the strategy is a higher level thing. It's harder to know what messaging is going to really resonate with people as I talk about it, because it's going to do so many different things.
[00:11:54] When you put that strategy. Over top of everything else that you're already doing, it's going to help you clarify your messaging. It's going to help, you know, how to get your clients, the transformation they need, how to build a community, not just a group, but a true community where people feel connected to each other.
[00:12:09] It's going to help you. No, how to empower your customers, to want to invite their friends, to be a part of your business and to buy your things without you having to pay them to do that. They are going to want to join this movement and move it forward with you. Okay. That's all wonderful things. But it's really hard to say, here's what you get when you're done with the course.
[00:12:30] Here's the one results you get. And so you will have that big picture strategy. But part of me feels like maybe that messaging could be tighter. You will absolutely have clarity, but again is clarity. What you're sitting there saying, Oh my gosh, I just need clarity. And maybe it is, I I'm still learning. I don't know.
[00:12:49] Right. as entrepreneurs, we need to be thinking about this, we need to say, okay, what is the best message? And it becomes more clear as we explain it over and over and over again. here's the thing we need to be careful of. We get really. In love, we, we really own something.
[00:13:07] Um, we explained it in a way that it makes sense to us, but it doesn't necessarily make sense to our clients or it doesn't necessarily. Expressed in a way that really gets them excited. So for example, if you are selling anything around mindset, very few people are staying up at night, worrying about their mindset being right.
[00:13:29] You know, they're worried about something else. It's a totally different external problem that they're worried about. Mindset might be what they need to make the shift and overcome their problems and have the transformation they really, we want. But if you're just selling mindset, That might not appeal to them.
[00:13:45] Sure. It might appeal to a small number pupil, but there's absolutely a better way to sell that. So when we can nail our messaging and we can get really clear on what it is that people are already saying in their minds. And this goes down to the conversation.
[00:14:00] Again, we talked about this back in episode five of season three, where when we can understand that conversation, that's going on in the minds of our prospective clients, and then enter that conversation at that point and then help them see how we can provide the transformation that they really desire in a deep way.
[00:14:20] Yeah, then our messaging is on and they want to have our stuff. If we show that that's how they get from where they are now to the bright future identity that we want to take them to. Right. And so for me, it's really. Something that I'm playing with, I guess is the best way to put it. And as you're selling your product, as you're launching your stuff, if your messaging is off, even if your offer is totally on, it might not sell very much, even though the people that you're attracting the right people and they really need what you have to offer.
[00:14:51] But when you get that messaging clearer, when it really, really just rings true. And it's, it hits people and they go, Oh, yes, that's what I want. Then things really start to take off. if you feel like you have to explain what you're selling, really in depth for people to understand it, your messaging is probably off and it may take a while to get really clear on your messaging. I mean, I'm still working on it.
[00:15:16] Like I said, you guys are listening to all the different ways. I explain what my bright future method is here. But I know that once I nailed that and lock it down and it becomes really clear, then it's going to sell like hotcakes. And so if you're struggling, if your launches aren't doing well, your offer might be off.
[00:15:32] Number one, number two, your messaging might be off. Or number three, you might just not be getting it in front of enough people or in front of the right people. It might just be a traffic problem. So for me, that's another thing that I'm working on. I had no list right now. I have a whole whopping 15 people on my wait list for my bright future method workshop.
[00:15:56] Not a lot. Now I have a lot of podcasts. Listen, hello to you by the way. I really appreciate you, especially if you've been listening. Faithfully twice a week. I just cannot tell you how much I appreciate your listens. behind the scenes, total transparent. I've been getting about 200 listens per or at least downloads.
[00:16:16] I hope you're listening to it. I'm 200 bucks. Well, nodes per episode, within about a week or two, after an episode goes live, now it kind of ebbs and flows like, so it might go down for a little bit and then come back up. But that's kind of where I've been. My goal is obviously to grow that significantly higher, but that's about where it's been settling for each episode.
[00:16:37] So I know I have a little bit bigger audience here than I do. That's showing on my email list or the telegram, but, that's where it is. And so for right now, I'm thinking about how do I increase the traffic for my, because it would be. Crazy for me to, hope to have a seven figure launch of the bright future method workshop that's coming up in just three weeks, when I only have those few people right now, I know it sells. I know it gets the transformation that people want. I absolutely know it works. My messaging's a lot, a little soft. I'll just admit that up front. Right. But. My traffic is the part that's going to hinder me more than anything.
[00:17:18] And so even though it's awesome, my expectations for what the launch is going to do are relatively low, because I know that I simply do not have the traffic that I need to have a massive launch. But that also shows me where I need to be focusing going forward. I know that as I continue moving forward, growing the podcast, growing my email list, growing the telegram list, eventually starting a free Facebook group, which I just haven't done because I haven't had the capacity to do it yet.
[00:17:49] Right. We'll get there. It's coming. But as I do all of these things, and as I grow. My audience and I get more traffic into my business. My launches are also going to grow. Right. So these are the main things. If you are struggling in your business, usually it's a messaging issue or an offer issue, or it's a traffic issue.
[00:18:10] Right. if you are sitting there saying, man, I just feel like I should be bigger by now. I should be more successful. Sit down and evaluate yourself in those three areas and think about which one might be the problem. If you haven't been growing, how you think you should have been growing by now, ?
[00:18:28] Because you might be a lot closer to success. Then you think maybe your messaging is just slightly off. Maybe you've got a huge audience. Maybe your offer is absolutely exactly what they need and, you know, without a shadow of a doubt that it will transform their lives as they see it. So your focus might just be on messaging and it might be figuring out, okay, what do I need to say to help them see the benefit of this and want this more?
[00:18:56] Clearly messaging is probably the biggest thing that I see people struggling. And once they nailed their messaging, then the focus more towards the traffic problems. So hopefully this will help you see, usually you're probably not as far away from success as you think. And so I just wanted to encourage you today.
[00:19:14] If you want help with any of these things, my bright future method workshop. Is going to be opening up for enrollment. We're going to launch that on September 21st. And so I would love to have you and the bright future method workshop with me so we can work through exactly what your messaging to be. So we can talk through how can you create more transformation for your clients?
[00:19:38] And if you need to shift some of the offers that you have, and then. I love talking about how to get more traffic to your business. Now, one of my favorite ways to do this is by growing a community around your business and leveraging that community to see your business grow. It's almost like organic growth now.
[00:19:59] I absolutely use paid strategies. Yeah. And, you know, I'm a huge proponent of networking and whatever else, but I have found that most people do not even come close to really leveraging the potential traffic that they have from their clients. Who've been transformed. By their products. And so I teach you in this exactly how to empower them, to want to share.
[00:20:26] Like, you're not like begging them. You're not manipulating them, but you're creating an environment and a culture and a movement around your business that they want to share. Like everyone wants to be a part of something bigger than themselves.
[00:20:41] For example, when I can help you become the bright entrepreneur that you really want to be and see your business explode and have the success and have the impact that you really want to have. And then show you how you can help other people have that and how you can help make an impact in this world by helping spread the message.
[00:21:01] If my things, the thing that's helped you do that, you're going to be more likely to share the bright future method workshop with other people. If you have personally experienced a massive transformation with it, this is what I do with Stu McLaren and tribe all the time and any other product that has truly transformed me and brought me.
[00:21:20] Massive benefit in my life. Like Steve has probably been the most influential person in my life in terms of business. And business growth and success. If you're not following him, he's got a marketing, your business podcasts, go check it out. It's everywhere that you listen to podcasts. He's a brilliant dude.
[00:21:36] He also is the real deal. He has the same heart in person as he does on all of his stuff. So I can't recommend him enough, but he's not paying me right now to do that. Yes. When he launches this course, I do have an affiliate link and I will absolutely share that. But honestly, I would share it anyways.
[00:21:54]I've been on Amy Porterfield's podcast, helping her promote tribe for him, because I knew that my story and the transformation that I got from tribe would help more people on her platform. Cause she has a massive platform, which is. Beautiful Amy, if you're listening well done, my dear, you have just rocked it, but I was willing to go on her podcast and share my story of transformation in the hopes that it would inspire more people to sign up for tribe at zero benefit to myself.
[00:22:23] Right. I didn't get any affiliate money for that. Yes, I got an Amy Porterfield's podcast, but only for a little 10 minute clip. It wasn't like she was featuring me. So it didn't even really grow my, authority or podcast or anything like that. It was really truly a give, but I was willing to do that because of the transformation that I've personally experienced in that community.
[00:22:43] And. I can help you understand and empower your clients to want to do the same for you or your customers, whatever you want to call them. I say clients cause in the photography industry, it's more one-on-one, but really if you're scaling a business, customers is probably more accurate, but that's what I teach.
[00:23:01] And that is what I have had happened in my own businesses. And it's already happening in this one from like the 13 beta members that I had back last spring when I ran this for the first time. Several of them were referrals from other people in the beta course. So I'd love to teach that to you. If you'd like to sign up for the waitlist bright future, will take you right to the email waitlist.
[00:23:25] And if you really love what I'm doing here on the podcast, and you never want to miss an episode and you're already subscribed. I do have a secret telegram channel telegrams, a free app that you download to your phone. It basically lets me communicate with you and tell you a little bit more behind the scenes.
[00:23:44] Make sure you don't miss an episode, but that gives me the opportunity to actually have conversations with you because you can comment there. So this is not for everybody. This is only for you. If you really love what I'm teaching here on the podcast and he want, you know, any of those behind the scene, thoughts or things that I'm working on or thinking about, you can join that.
[00:24:04] A bright entrepreneur That link will also be in the show notes. So if you're driving right now or if you're chasing kids around and you just can't stop, you can always come back and check that out. I recommend doing a voice reminder on your phone and asking it to remind you to come back and do this later.
[00:24:22] When you know, you're going to have a moment to do it, but I'd love to see you there as well. But again, only. If you really are an insider, because I want to know who my people are, and that's a great way for me to do that. So if you really feel like you're one of my people or that I'm, I'm your kind of person and you want to belong to the community that I'm building, go join that telegram and basically self select.
[00:24:43] And tell me that because that's the easiest way. It's one of the hardest things for me with having a podcast is that I don't know exactly who my people are. My most dedicated people are because I haven't started my Facebook group yet. So I do a lot of Facebook lives. I love them because I can see people like Tracy Reed.
[00:24:59] I know she's and my dearest fans and Richard Ralston. And there's, there's a whole lot of you. You're wonderful. And I adore you. But, you know, as I do Facebook lives, I can actually talk to you here. I'm talking to you all at once and can't hear your feedback because you're listening to it at a different time.
[00:25:14] So anyways, that's for you. If you are one of those people, go check out the telegram, but without my friends, that's the end of the episode for today. Go join the wait list. If you're interested in the bright future method. We are brighter together. My friend, the world needs us. So let's go out and make it brighter.


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