"Gold is not found at the surface...you’ve got to dig for it." ~Melissa West

We need to talk about the chase.  

Are you chasing the goal, the program, the car, the money the validation, the degree, the recognition?

Do you feel scattered?

Do you lack purposeful intention and direction?

Are you grasping for surface answers to fill a deeper issue?

Do you feel like you’re in your head a lot?

Does your energy automatically default to fear, self-doubt and people pleasing?

My friends-all of the above is a symptom of a much bigger issue.  This is living life without knowing your worth.  This is life without really understanding WHO you were meant to be.

Imagine what it would feel like to not be a victim to your calendar any longer?

Imagine how it would feel to wake up and experience more happiness and presence throughout your day. 

What if you felt into the experiences of every item on your daily to-do list?  What if you could find joy in all the little things you did all day long?

Melissa West is a kick-ass coach, speaker, author and  CEO of Xtreme Results.  She encourages business professionals to rediscover their purpose and passion and empowers them to create an amazing business and life of their dreams. Melissa helps leaders get unstuck so they can do the fulfilling work they are meant to do in the world.  

Join us today and enjoy this conversation with Melissa West.  I know you are going to walk away with your mind blown and feelings inspired to take action to begin living a more purpose-fueled life.  Melissa and I share the same philosophy on leadership, passion and vision and you'll leave this episode asking yourself questions that will transform your life!


What you'll learn from this episode:

How 'dark blessings' as Melissa calls them can be turned into major opportunities to tune into your purpose & passion.
How to make your confidence SKY ROCKET.
What purpose actually is.
How Melissa went from a woman who questioned herself to being a woman who is fueled by confidence and purpose.
The dangers of putting your value in things outside of yourself.
How to find more presence in your life.
How to discover your sweet spot.

FEATURED ON THE SHOW-The School of Badassery

Check out my guide to practicing Radical Self Care-Why Selfish is the New Black

The Power of YOU webinar

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