"Talking about a traumatic experience does not resolve trauma.   These experiences are lodged in our bodies.  They are imprinted in our nervous systems.  Reactions that got wired to that event or experience. The body remembers feeling unsafe and it reminds us each time the trauma gets triggered.  The mind may create stories and explanations and rationalizations but the body never lies." ~Dr. Valerie Rein

Have you ever felt like there was something wrong with you?  Have you ever asked yourself, why can I just achieve the success, happiness and fulfillment I desire?

Friends, I promise you, there is NOTHING wrong with you.  However, there's a very good chance that you might be suffering from trauma and not even know it.  

Dr. Valerie says that trauma is  any experience that made you feel unsafe both physically and emotionally resulting in your inability to show up as the fullest authentic expression of yourself. Okay-that definition includes every one of us!

Dr. Valerie Rein is a sought after speaker and trainer and when you listen to this episode, you'll know why.  She is the author of the bestselling book -Patriarchy Stress Disorder and she helps women move from surviving to thriving by mastering the game of "how good can it get" in their work and personal lives.

If you want to take part in the 7 Secrets of Sustainable Success Challenge you can sign up Here-it's totally free.  Hello?  Why would you NOT?

Be sure to check out my facebook group for Badass women leaders, visionaries and entrepreneurs HERE.

What you'll learn from this episode:

Why you're really blocked from success, happiness and fulfillment.
Four survival reactions most women have spent a good portion of their lives in an attempt to protect themselves from truly being seen. 
Why reaching for external answers to internal solutions never works. 
Why  being fully, authentic, amazing you-is the least selfish thing you can do.
What I am enough really means. 

Featured on the show:




Want the low down on my highly sought after, life-changing 8 week group coaching program, Made For This?  Check it out here. The waitlist has begun.